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129 lines (93 loc) · 3.36 KB


disallow unsupported ECMAScript syntax on the specified version

  • ⭐️ This rule is included in plugin:node/recommended preset.

ECMAScript standard is updating every two months. You can check to know which Node.js version supports each ECMAScript feature.

This rule reports unsupported ECMAScript syntax on the configured Node.js version as lint errors. Editor integrations of ESLint would be useful to know it in real-time.

📖 Rule Details

Supported ECMAScript features

This rule supports ECMAScript 2019 and proposals that have been approved as Stage 4 by August 2019. See also TC39 finished proposals.

Please configure your .eslintrc file to succeed to succeed in parsing the syntax. For example, set 2020 to parserOptions.ecmaVersion.

Configured Node.js version range

This rule reads the engines field of package.json to detect which Node.js versions your module is supporting.

I recommend the use of the engines field because it's the official way that indicates which Node.js versions your module is supporting. For example of package.json:

    "name": "your-module",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "engines": {
        "node": ">=8.0.0"

If you omit the engines field, this rule chooses >=8.0.0 as the configured Node.js version since 8 is the minimum version the community is maintaining (see also Node.js Release Working Group).


    "node/no-unsupported-features/es-syntax": ["error", {
        "version": ">=8.0.0",
        "ignores": []


As mentioned above, this rule reads the engines field of package.json. But, you can overwrite the version by version option.

The version option accepts the valid version range of node-semver.


If you are using transpilers, maybe you want to ignore the warnings about some features. You can use this ignores option to ignore the given features.

The "ignores" option accepts an array of the following strings.


  • "bigint"
  • "dynamicImport"
  • "optionalChaining"
  • "nullishCoalescingOperators"


  • "jsonSuperset"
  • "optionalCatchBinding"


  • "asyncIteration"
  • "malformedTemplateLiterals"
  • "regexpLookbehind"
  • "regexpNamedCaptureGroups"
  • "regexpS"
  • "regexpUnicodeProperties"
  • "restSpreadProperties"


  • "asyncFunctions"
  • "trailingCommasInFunctions"


  • "exponentialOperators"


  • "arrowFunctions"
  • "binaryNumericLiterals"
  • "blockScopedFunctions"
  • "blockScopedVariables"
  • "classes"
  • "computedProperties"
  • "defaultParameters"
  • "destructuring"
  • "forOfLoops"
  • "generators"
  • "modules"
  • ""
  • "objectSuperProperties"
  • "octalNumericLiterals"
  • "propertyShorthands"
  • "regexpU"
  • "regexpY"
  • "restParameters"
  • "spreadElements"
  • "templateLiterals"
  • "unicodeCodePointEscapes"

🔎 Implementation