WriteBoy is an Arduino based ROM image writer for GB Memory Cartridge.
- Arduino IDE
- Python 3.x and pyserial
- Arduino Mega 2560 R3
- GB Memory Cartridge (DMG-MMSA-JPN)
Assume that Arduino is connected to COM3.
- Prepare a ROM image (.gb) and MAP file (.map) - using GB Memory Binary Maker would be nice
- Write a MAP to GBMC by followng command:
python writeboy.py --port COM3 --write-gbmc-mapping filename.map
- Write a ROM image to GBMC by followng command:
python writeboy.py --port COM3 --write-gbmc-rom filename.gb
- SRAM Read/write
- ROM dump
See python writeboy.py --help
- Pan Docs - GbdevWiki - for about GB cartridge header and Memory Bank Controllers
- nesdev.com • View topic - How to program a NINTENDO POWER Cartridge ? - for informations about GB Memory Cartridge specific registers and mapping table structure
- GBCartRead – Gameboy Cart Reader « insideGadgets
- sanni/cartreader: A shield for the Arduino Mega that can read video game cartridges.