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Raspberry Pi Pico W Web Remote for Elecraft KPA500 Amplifier and KAT500 autotuner

I wanted to Internet-enable my KPA500 amplifier and KAT500 auto-tuner. This project provides a Web Client for both the KPA500 and KAT500. In addition, it also works as a server for the KPA-500 Remote and KAT-500 Remote software from Elecraft.

This runs on the Pico-W-Dual-Serial board.

This project uses a lot of the same code as my Antenna Rotator Controller Controller

The hardware is a Raspberry Pi "Pico W" with a MAX3232 RS-232 interface IC. Pretty simple. As usual, the simplicity of the hardware is made up for by the complexity of the software.

Web Client

The KPA500-remote provides a web client for the amplifier and the auto-tuner.

The web client is modeled on the Elecraft KPA500-Remote windows client, more or less. The fundamental difference is that the web client will not automatically update unless one of the non-zero auto-refresh buttons is selected. Note that the on every activity, the auto-refresh is engaged for three one-second updates regardless of the update settings. This is to allow the changes made from the UI to be reflected on the page.

Elecraft "KPA-500 Remote" server and "KAT-500 Remote" server

The KPA500-remote also provides a network server that is compatible with the KPA-500 remote client, and a network server that is compatible with the KAT-500 remote client.

This means that you don't need a dedicated computer to serve the amplifier and tuner to the network, the KPA500-remote (this application) does that for you.

No need to run a PC at your remote station!

See Installation and Setup for (duh) Installation and Setup instructions.