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Jonah Snider edited this page Jun 19, 2017 · 4 revisions

Writing a MsgBox module

First of all write the function/class you want to import on the remote client
in the example we create the file pupy/packages/windows/all/pupwinutils/

import ctypes
import threading

def MessageBox(text, title):
	t=threading.Thread(target=ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxA, args=(None, text, title, 0))

then, simply create a module to load our package and call the function remotely

from pupylib.PupyModule import *


@config(cat="troll", tags=["message","popup"])
class MsgBoxPopup(PupyModule):
	""" Pop up a custom message box """

	def init_argparse(self):
		self.arg_parser = PupyArgumentParser(prog="msgbox", description=self.__doc__)
		self.arg_parser.add_argument('--title', help='msgbox title')
		self.arg_parser.add_argument('text', help='text to print in the msgbox :)')

	def run(self, args):
		self.client.conn.modules['pupwinutils.msgbox'].MessageBox(args.text, args.title)
		self.log("message box popped !")

and that's it, we have a fully functional module :) This module is only compatible with windows, you can check the same module in the project to see how it's implemented to manage multi-os compatibility.

>> run msgbox -h
usage: msgbox [-h] [--title TITLE] text

Pop up a custom message box

positional arguments:
  text           text to print in the msgbox :)

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help     show this help message and exit
    --title TITLE  msgbox title
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