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TinkState# - Reactive State Handling for C# (and Unity!)

An uncomplicated library for dealing with mutable state in a nice reactive way.



  • Lightweight and generic observable state primitives
  • Efficient binding mechanism with support for per-frame batching
  • Computed states with automatic update propagation
  • Asynchronously computed states with async/await
  • Out-of-the-box support for Unity with convenience helpers
  • Experimental support for Godot!

Quick Peek

Here's a "hello world" teaser in Unity (source code below).

Source Code
using TinkState;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;

public class HelloWorld : MonoBehaviour
	[SerializeField] TMP_InputField nameInput;
	[SerializeField] TMP_Text greetingLabel;

	void Start()
		// define piece of mutable observable state
		var name = Observable.State("World");

		// bind the state two-ways to an input field
		nameInput.onValueChanged.AddListener(newValue => name.Value = newValue);

		// derive automatically updated observable value from it
		var greeting = Observable.Auto(() => $"Hello, {name.Value}!");

		// bind the auto-observable to a text field
		greeting.Bind(text => greetingLabel.text = text);


BETA. Everything seems to be working and test coverage makes sure of it, but the code could use some polishing, naming review, performance audit. See also TODOs in the code.


It is a C# port of an excellent Haxe library tink_state by Juraj Kirchheim (@back2dos).

This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.