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#The Great Book of Walkthroughs ####(in the making...)

Table of Contents


New Project Setup Rspec & Capybara Thin Webserver Angular Setup


Taking the first steps in any new development domain - be it Ruby, Javascript or Ruby on Rails - is often the hardest part. Walkthroughs are a great way to facilitate the transition from this initial (clueless) phase to a more productive & efficient level of competance.

So, here's the big idea in a nutshell: rather than having each of us spending hours poring over every available the screen-casts, skimming through countless websites, while making our own private notes, we can combine forces and create an extensive repository of alkthroughs.

Each one of the walkthroughs is meant to ofer a succict, step-by-step guidance on a specific topics, coupled with useful tips, pitfall warnings and perhaps a few selected resources.

Beyond its substantial time-saving potential and capacity to serve as an effective learning-tool for those who take part in writing it, the Great Book of Walkthroughs could lso be our gift to the next generations of cohorts at Makers Academy.


(to be imporved, revised, updated, and changed in any odd way according to everyone's suggestions)

  • Getting Started
    To get started simply pick a topic, preferably one that hasn't been covered yet and let me know so I'll update the list on this page.

  • Choosing a Topic
    The walkthough topic can be anything you like, from generic ones like "Setting Up a New Project in Ruby on Rails" or "Setting Up a Ruby Project with Sinatra", to example-specific ones like "Using the Github API".

    The Current Walkthroughs, Still Pending & Suggested Topics sections below list all the topics which have either been written on or already selected, as well as a few open suggestions (but, once again, you can choose to write about anything you like regardless of these suggestions).

  • Resources
    It's probably also a good idea to take a look at the various pills & walkthroughs available on the Maker's website. If there's an excellent walkthough there already, there may not be a need to write a new one (but do send me a link and we'll possibly make a list of those for reference).

    Another potential resouce is simply to follow one of the many available screen-casts and iterate each of the steps as they come. In this context, some subsequent editing might be needed in order to make the content generic so that it'll be useful for other project as well.

  • Availability
    All walkthroughs will be available on this Github repo.

    To share your walkthrough, simply fork this repository, add your file to the walkthroughs folder, push to your remote repo, send me a pull request and I'll merge it into the general repo.

  • What's in a Walkthrough
    The walkthroughs themselves need not be long or extensive (though they could be if you prefer to write them that way), nor should they take long to write. The idea is to provide just the basic squence of little steps to guide someone who knows little to nothing about a particular subject. Alternatively, they could serve as a 'ckecklist' to make sure all the necessary steps have been taken.

    For general referece, you can check out [Ruby on Rails: New Project Setup (with PostgreSQL db)] (walkthroughs/ which is located in the "walkthroughs" folder (it should be formatted in a nicer way, but overall it should contain all the important steps).

  • File Format
    For now, please use the .md ('markdown') file formats for the walkthroughs.

  • Content
    In terms of content the most important thing is to keep to the "step-by-step" paradigm.

    Try to provide succinct yet specific information about where each step is taken (terminal, browser, etc - in projects with a large number of files this will be particularly helpful). Another example is adding a link-pointer to the Github repository of a Gem when the latter is to be included in the Gemfile.

    Also, try to offer a clear distinction between essential steps & optional ones.

  • Testing
    The question of how to incorporate testing in these basic walkthroughs is a tricky subject. One approach could be to initially leave testing aside and later create a complementary doc to accompany the main walkthrough in which a list possible tests is given. Another approach may be to combine the testing with the walkthrough itself (the difficulty here is that it may requires constant switching and changing between Sublime Text, terminal and the browser and therefore become very hard to write up succinctly). hopefully we'll come up with good ways of do this as we go along.

  • Timeline
    There isn't a specific timeline for all this, but given that it should only take a few h ours to write a walkthrough, plus the fact that they'll be very useful to all of us in the next few weeks, it'd be great if we could create as many of them as we can in the comming days.

  • Pair Writing
    Another great possiblity for writing a walkthough is to pair up for a few hours and write a walkthrough on a chosen subject together.

  • Feedback
    Please let me know about any suggestions, improvements, corrections etc. that you may have :-)

Current Walkthroughs

The following can be found in the "walkthroughs" folder:

  • [Ruby on Rails: New Project Setup (with PostgreSQL db)] (walkthroughs/
  • [Ruby on Rails: Adding Static Pages (Home, About, Contact, Help)] (walkthroughs/
  • [Ruby on Rails: Thin Webserver Setup (Production alternative to WEBrick)] (walkthroughs/
  • [Ruby on Rails: Basic Form Creation] (walkthroughs/
  • [Ruby on Rails: Testing with Rspec & Capybara] (walkthroughs/
  • [Ruby on Rails: Deployment to Heroku] (walkthroughs/
  • [Ruby on Rails: Angular Setup] (walkthroughs/
  • [Ruby on Rails: Bootstrap Setup] (walkthroughs/
  • [Ruby on Rails: Devise Setup] (walkthroughs/
  • [Paperclip (Image Management)] (walkthroughs/
  • [Github: Creating a Project Page] (walkthroughs/

Still Pending

(People who promised to write walkthroughs but haven't delivered yet...)

  • Ruby on Rails: Ajax (Fitsum)
  • Ruby on Rails: Amazon S3 (Nicolai)
  • Ruby on Rails: Bootstrap (James W.)
  • Ruby on Rails: Devise (Faezrah)
  • Scraping Websites (Nic)
  • Working with Json (Vaidas)
  • Rspec with Capybara/Poltergeist (Kate)
  • TDD with Capybara (Margherita)
  • Ruby on Rails: Partials (Federico)

Suggested Topics

Pick whatever you like & write a walkthrough:

  • Javascript (general guide / concrete examples)
  • APIs (general guide / concrete examples)
  • Ruby on Rails: Helpers
  • Ruby on Rails: Partials
  • Sinatra apps
  • Gmaps (Google maps API)
  • homebrew
  • Active Record: Nested Attributes
  • Mustache
  • Coffee script
  • Flexbox (CSS)


To all readers/users of these walkthroughs, please note that the the following is meant only to offer guidance, advice, and helpful tips written by software development students as part of their learning process. As such, the author/s shall have responsibility whatsoever for any loss of data or any other damage caused to users and/or their code as a result of following the the steps presented in this walkthrough.


A big thank you to all our contributors:

Nadav Matalon [ Nadav Matalon] ( Will Allen [ Will Allen] ( Johann Bornman [ Johann Bornman] ( Julia Tan [ Julia Tan] ( Julie Ann Walker [ Julie Ann Walker] (


Makers Academy | Week 8 | Project






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