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Needed Artwork: Characters

Edgar Simo-Serra edited this page Oct 22, 2023 · 8 revisions

With the move to Visual Novel-type graphics, we need a significant amount of new artwork for full body characters. Currently they are being rendered at 1000 x 1415 pixels, but other resolutions also work. They should be roughly from the ankle/knee (depending on size) to the top of the head. Current examples can be found in

It would also be great to have replacements for old graphics in the new Visual Novel format. Eventually we wish to replace all the old graphics with new ones.

Important Considerations

  • Resolution should be high (ideally over 1000 x 1415 pixels)
  • Ideally it should be in an open format (krita, gimp, etc.)
  • Diversity of characters is important (skin tones, body type, etc.)

Needed Characters (Specific)

  • Captain Leblanc (female): rather young Dvaered pilot. Typical "severe but fair" squadron commander.
  • General Klank (male): middle-aged Dvaered general.
  • Captain Hamfresser (male): middle-aged Dvaered spacemarine. He is a cyborg, with all kinds of bio and cyber implants. He should look extremely robust and dangerous, but also dependant to his artificial organs. "daredevil" kind of squad leader.

Needed Characters (Generic)

  • More Soromid characters. Soromid should look genetically modified, and Soromid military should probably have some kind of uniform (like other factions).
  • All Proteron characters. The way Proteron society is structured suggests that all Proteron civilians should probably be dressed in an almost militaristic way, and we also need military uniforms for officials.
  • More serra-class Sirius civilian portraits.
  • Thurion civilian characters. I tend to assume the Thurion should somehow look different from the rest of the galaxy, though I'm not sure how. Obviously some of them can be robots (physical embodiments of uploaded Thurion), but it seems to me that organic Thurions should have some defining characteristics too. (Note: we probably don't need Thurion military portraits since we can probably assume the Thurion leaders to be mostly uploaded, and thus not hanging out in bars for any reason.)
  • Za'lek civilian and military characters.
  • Frontier characters. We don't have military uniforms for the Frontier, though I'm not entirely sure we want that (we might want them to depend exclusively on the FLF for war). In any case, maybe we should have some sort of defined look for Frontier civilians (maybe a look shared with the FLF pilots). I'm not sure what that would be, though.
  • Empire civilian characters. Not essential, but it could be nice to have some sort of defining Empire civilian characteristic clothing. I'm not sure what that would be.
  • Trader characters. Again, not essential, but it could be nice to have some defining feature for traders, though I'm not sure what that could be.
  • Pirate characters. Should be fitting each of the clans