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Justin Blanchard edited this page Aug 13, 2022 · 4 revisions

These instructions are for making a personal build, compatible with the exact macOS version you're running. (Official builds use OSXCross to build a more compatible app from Linux.)

Dependencies may be installed using Homebrew:

brew install freetype gettext glpk intltool libpng libvorbis luajit meson openal-soft pcre2 physfs pkg-config sdl2_image suite-sparse
python3 -m pip install pyyaml

Meson needs an extra argument to find Homebrew's openal-soft package: --pkg-config-path=/usr/local/opt/openal-soft/lib/pkgconfig.

If build may fail if suite-sparse is installed via Homebrew, citing an undefined reference to _cs_di_spfree. A workaround is to pass --force-fallback-for=SuiteSparse. (These arguments may be passed to the initial meson setup or applied later using meson configure. In the later case, make sure to run meson configure --clearcache to work around bugs in Meson. For 0.8/Autotools, set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable before running ./configure.)

Naev 0.9 needs a BLAS library. To use Apple's, add -Dblas=Accelerate to your Meson options. You can also install openblas via Homebrew, but you'll have to follow its instructions carefully before Meson will be able to detect it.

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