Daye Nam, Brad Myers, Bogdan Vasilescu, and Vincent Hellendoorn, "Improving API Knowledge Discovery with ML: A Case Study of Comparable API Methods," ICSE 2023.
Archived version of the artifacts and the documentation can be found here:
There are three main components in this repository.
Google Chrome plugin used for the study: /SOREL/Plugin
How to install this plugin is included in /SOREL/
, and /SOREL/Plugin/howto.png
shows how to use the Plugin.
Replication package for the user study analysis: /SOREL/Study
You can replicate the statistical analysis included in the paper by running /SOREL/Study/Regression.ipynb
User study result data is included in the Notebook as well. /SOREL/
describes how to set up R-Notebook environment to run this Notebook.
Study protocol and task designs are also included as /SOREL/Study Protocol.pdf
and /SOREL/Tasks.pdf
Annotation protocol to manually annotate Stack Overflow posts can be found here: /SOREL/Annotation Protocol.pdf
SOREL implementation with Stack Overflow data labeled with comparable API methods: /SOREL/SOREL
You can train and test SOREL, and replicate the experiment results.
describes how to set up PyTorch environment using Docker image, and how to train and test SOREL.