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πŸš€ Microservices Architecture with RabbitMQ, Redis, and Symfony PHP


This project showcases a sophisticated microservices architecture, utilizing Symfony PHP for each microservice, RabbitMQ as a dynamic message broker, and Redis for efficient caching. The architecture comprises two pivotal Symfony microservices: User & Event Microservice and Betting Microservice. RabbitMQ orchestrates asynchronous communication between these microservices, while Redis optimizes data retrieval speed, enhancing overall performance and mitigating database load.

πŸ› οΈ Components

  1. User & Event Microservice:

    • Manages user data and sports events using Symfony PHP.
    • Publishes user-related events (e.g., customization) and sports events data.
    • Leverages Redis for caching frequently accessed user data and sports events.
  2. Betting Microservice:

    • Handles betting-related data using Symfony PHP.
    • Consumes user-related events and sports events data, then publishes betting data.
    • Takes advantage of Redis for caching frequently accessed betting-related data.
  3. RabbitMQ:

    • Serves as a dynamic message broker between the User & Event Microservice and Betting Microservice.
    • Facilitates seamless asynchronous communication.
  4. Redis:

    • Employs caching for frequently accessed data within the User & Event Microservice and Betting Microservice.
    • Enhances data retrieval speed and reduces the load on databases.

🌐 Diagram Overview

+----------------------+          +----------------------+
|   User & Event       |          |   Betting            |
|   Microservice       |          |   Microservice       |
+-----------^----------+          +----------^-----------+
            |                                |
            | Publishes events, user data    |
            |                                |
            v                                v
+---------------------+      +-----------------------------+
|      Redis Cache    |      |        Redis Cache         |
|                     |      |                            |
+---------------------+      +-----------------------------+
            |                                |
            | Caches user and sports events   |
            | data                           |
            |                                |
|                  RabbitMQ Message Queue                        |
            | Consumes events, user data, and publishes betting data
+-----------v----------+          +-----------------------------+
|      User Entity    |          |        Bet & Trend Entity   |
|      Event Entity   |          |                             |
+---------------------+          +-----------------------------+

πŸš€ Usage

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
  2. Install Dependencies:

    • Navigate to each Symfony microservice directory and run:
      composer install
  3. Configure RabbitMQ and Redis:

    • Update configuration files in each Symfony microservice to point to your RabbitMQ and Redis instances.
  4. Run Microservices:

    • Start each Symfony microservice:
      php bin/console server:start

βš™οΈ Configuration

  • Adjust Symfony configuration files (config/packages/*.yaml) in each microservice to set environment-specific variables for RabbitMQ and Redis connections.

🀝 Contributions

Contributions are welcome! Please follow our Contribution Guidelines.

πŸ“ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Microservices architecture with symfony framework




