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Node wrapper of brcode to parse and emit PIX BR Code.


  1. Install rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
# or access
  1. Install neon
npm install --global neon-cli
# OR
yarn global add neon-cli
  1. Install neon-code
npm install neon-brcode --save

Types and functions:

export interface BrCodeJson {
    payload_version: number;
    initiation_method?: number;
    merchant_account_information?: string;
    merchant_information: Array<{
        id: number;
        info: Array<{
            id: number;
            info: string;
    merchant_category_code: number;
    merchant_name: string;
    merchant_city: string;
    postal_code?: string;
    convenience?: String;
    convenience_fee_fixed?: String;
    convenience_fee_percentage?: String;
    currency: string;
    amount?: number;
    country_code: string;
    field_template: Array<{ reference_label: string }>;
    crc1610?: string;
    templates?: Array<{
        id: number;
        info: Array<{
            id: number;
            info: string;

function jsonToBrcode(json: BrCodeJson): string
function brcodeToJson(code: string): BrCodeJson
function brcodeIsPix(code: String): boolean 
function jsonIsPix(json: BrCodeJson): boolean
function crc16Ccitt(message: string): string
function getJsonTransactionId(json: BrCodeJson): String
function getBrcodeTransactionId(code: String): String
function getJsonAliases(json: BrCodeJson): Array<String> 
function getBrcodeAliases(code: String): Array<String> 
function getJsonMessages(json: BrCodeJson): Array<String>
function getBrcodeMessages(code: String): Array<String> 
function jsonToSvgFile(json: BrCodeJson, path: String) 
function brcodeToSvgFile(code: String, path: String)
function jsonToSvgString(json: BrCodeJson): String
function brcodeToSvgString(code: String): String 

Functions descriptions:

  • jsonToBrcode(json: BrCodeJson): string: converts a BrCodeJson into a BR Code String.
  • brcodeToJson(code: string): BrCodeJson: converts a BR Code String into a BrCodeJson.
  • brcodeIsPix(code: String): boolean: checks if BR Code String is of type Pix.
  • jsonIsPix(json: BrCodeJson): boolean: checks if BrCodeJson is of type Pix.
  • crc16Ccitt(message: string): string: generates a CRC16_CCITT for the inserted information.
  • getJsonTransactionId(json: BrCodeJson): String: returns the transactionId of a BrCodeJson.
  • getBrcodeTransactionId(code: String): String: returns the transactionId of a BR Code String.
  • getJsonAliases(json: BrCodeJson): Array<String>: returns all Pix aliases of a BrCodeJson.
  • getBrcodeAliases(code: String): Array<String>: returns all Pix aliases of a BR Code String.
  • getJsonMessages(json: BrCodeJson): Array<String>: returns all Pix messages of a BrCodeJson.
  • getBrcodeMessages(code: String): Array<String>: returns all Pix messages of a BR Code String.
  • jsonToSvgFile(json: BrCodeJson, path: String): generates a SVG file at path (must end with .svg) for BrCodeJson.
  • brcodeToSvgFile(code: String, path: String): generates a SVG file at path (must end with .svg) for BR Code String.
  • jsonToSvgString(json: BrCodeJson): String: generates a SVG string for BrCodeJson.
  • brcodeToSvgString(code: String): String: generates a SVG string for BR Code String.

Example usage

  • Test file has more usages.


const brcode = require('neon-brcode');
const code = "00020104141234567890123426580014BR.GOV.BCB.PIX0136123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-42665544000027300012BR.COM.OUTRO011001234567895204000053039865406123.455802BR5917NOME DO RECEBEDOR6008BRASILIA61087007490062190515RP12345678-201980390012BR.COM.OUTRO01190123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ6304AD38";



    "merchant_name":"NOME DO RECEBEDOR",


const brcode = require('neon-brcode');
const json = {
    "merchant_name":"NOME DO RECEBEDOR",



"00020104141234567890123426580014BR.GOV.BCB.PIX0136123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-42665544000027300012BR.COM.OUTRO011001234567895204000053039865406123.455802BR5917NOME DO RECEBEDOR6008BRASILIA61087007490062190515RP12345678-201980390012BR.COM.OUTRO01190123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ6304AD38"


const brcode = require('neon-brcode');
const unchecked_code = "00020104141234567890123426580014BR.GOV.BCB.PIX0136123e4567-e12b-12d1-a456-42665544000027300012BR.COM.OUTRO011001234567895204000053039865406123.455802BR5917NOME DO RECEBEDOR6008BRASILIA61087007490062190515RP12345678-201980390012BR.COM.OUTRO01190123.ABCD.3456.WXYZ6304";

// "AD38"