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nardo edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the Torque Sockets project

Torque Sockets is a cross-platform, multi-environment connection-based unreliable network protocol and associated implementation library and browser plugin.

The TorqueSocket javascript web interface plugin description can be found here:
TorqueSocket API text description

The torque_sockets C networking API can be found here:
torque_sockets C API

Current to-do list before 1.0’ness is achieved: (bulleted items done)

  • Move portions of TNL necessary to create torque_sockets into torque_sockets repository
  • Build baseline torque_sockets sources
  • Build plugin harness for torque_sockets
  • Create torque_sockets C API definition and review with BenG, AlexSc, timg, nardo.
  • Build C command-line torque_sockets Client/Server test programs
  • Build NPAPI plugin for JS access to torque_sockets
  • Build JS TNP Client/Server test programs
  • Port tnl to tnl2 to work atop torque_sockets
  • Compile tnl2 test programs working atop torque_sockets
  • Define arranged connection API extension for torque_sockets, based on TNL master/comm servers
  • Compile C test programs under Google’s Native Client and test
  • Implement TorqueSocket API atop torque_sockets w/o introduced connections
  • Implement simple javascript talk program
    - fix double challenge response issue
    - fix exit crash in FF plugin (background thread related?)
    - Implement Bonjour’s Port Mapping Protocol
    - Demonstrate PMP in talk program with “public internet address”
    - Implement API hooks for packet drop testing
    - Demonstrate packet drop tests in talk
  • Implement introduced connections
  • Implement server-introduced javascript chat example
    - Implement C++ TorqueSocket client
    - Create tnl2 compile option to talk to TorqueSocket in remote plugin instance
    - build nacl tnl2_test to TorqueSocket example program
    - add property support (set/get) to type_database
    - add property support to plugin_framework
    - add property support to state block transmission in tnl2
    - Compile tnl2 test programs under Google’s Native Client and test
    - Create web site for torque_sockets home
    - Full documentation review pass, doxygen build
    - Launch torque_sockets web site / announce torque_sockets 1.0 to the world
    - Full documentation review pass, doxygen build
    - Launch tnl2 to the world
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