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Font Awesome for Android

An implementation of Font Awesome for Android Projects.

Learn more about Font Awesome here

GitHub license FA Version


Install Font Awesome for Android into your Android application

  1. In your project level build.gradle add the repository

    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url '' }
  2. In your module level build.gradle add the library (find the version numbers here)

    dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.nathan-fiscaletti:fa-android:LATEST_VERSION'

After installing the library, in your target (not in the fontawesome target), you will need to create a directory for the font assets.

  1. Create a directory in your_app/src/main called assets.
  2. Within the assets directory create a directory called fonts.
  3. Download your web fonts from font awesome and move either your free or pro font awesome font files into the assets directory, this project supports both. You should specifically move the .ttf font files. For Font Awesome 5.12.0 they are stored within the webfonts directory of the zip file you download.

The final directory structure should look like this:

File Structure Preview

General Usage

Adding a FATextView in your XML Layout




        app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />

Create an FATextView in Java

FATextView faTextView = new FATextView(context);


FATextView faTextView = new FATextView(context, R.string.fa_check_circle, FATypeface.FAType.Solid, true);

The parameters are in the following order: The Context, the Icon, The Icon Type, true for autosize. If you set autosize to false when initializing it, you can later opt to autosize it using faTextView.autoSizeIcon();.

Controlling the Icon

To change the icon set fa_icon to @string/fa_... where ... is the name of the icon you would like to use. You can also control the type of icon used using the fa_type property with one of the following: solid, light, regular, or brands.

Alternately, if you are working in code, you can use the following functions:


You can control the icon color using android:textColor.

Controlling the Icon Size


There are two ways to control the size of the icon.

  • Use wrap_content for both the width and height of your view, and control the icon size using `android:textSize="XXsp".
  • Do not use android:textSize at all, and instead explicitly set width and height.

When using wrap_content, the icon will follow the android:textSize property for sizing. When using explicate sizes, the icon will automatically scale to the size of the view.

You can opt to turn off auto-sizing using app:fa_autosize="false".