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A fantastic flashcards app powered by React Native!


This is the last project of the Udacity React Nanodegree powered by React Native and React Native Elements that make you able to create decks of cards and test your self and get a score

If you want to be lazy this app won't suite you because it sends notifications if you don't take a quizz each day! However if your a programmer, go ahead and help your self! You'll get familiar with react native and some cool features I've provided ones you start reading the code. 😎

Directories and Files:

├── ./actions
│   ├── ./actions/constants.js
│   └── ./actions/decks.js
├── ./components
│   ├── ./components/AddCard.js
│   ├── ./components/AddDeck.js
│   ├── ./components/AppStatusBar.js
│   ├── ./components/Deck.js
│   ├── ./components/Decks.js
│   ├── ./components/Quiz.js
│   └── ./components/Result.js
├── ./config
│   └── ./config/store.js
├── ./reducers
│   ├── ./reducers/decks.js
│   └── ./reducers/index.js
├── ./routes
│   ├── ./routes/MainNavigator.js
│   └── ./routes/Tabs.js
├── ./utils
│   ├── ./utils/api.js
│   ├── ./utils/colors.js
│   ├── ./utils/constants.js
│   └── ./utils/helpers.js
├── ./App.js
├── ./app.json
├── ./App.test.js
├── ./package.json
├── ./
└── ./yarn.lock


Just like any other react projects run yarn install Not familiar with yarn? Check this out


  1. Install Expo on your device or setup an emulator.
  2. Start the project yarn start
  3. Wait for packager to start and display a QR code.
  4. Scan the QR with your device.


  • node: v9.3.0
  • yarn: 1.3.2
  • Hoawei Nova 2: Android 7
  • IPhone 5s: IOS 11
  • Expo: 2.2.0


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2017 Navid Kalaei