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Driver installation instructions, stand-alone ros node interface for the robotiq FT300 sensor and filter + tool calibration nodes.


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Installation and Compilation

  1. Connect all the cables and check that the sensor is properly powered. - Add pictures
  2. Go to the driver folder /robotiq_ft_sensor_dev_v1.0.1 and follow the compilation instructions stated in the FT 300 sensor manual in Section 4.2.2 Linux page 79. Check that the device is recognized by your PC and the test code works (i.e. data is streaming).
  • To get an update version of the driver you can download it from Search for FT300 Force Torque Sensor -> Software -> PC Integration -> Sensor Development.
  1. If you are using one of robotiq's grippers you probably have the robotiq stack which includes the robotiq_force_torque_sensor and you can skip this step. Otherwise:
  • Delete the CATKIN_IGNORE file in robotiq_ft300_sensor/robotiq_force_torque_sensor/.
  • Compile package:
    $ cd ~/catkin_ws
    $ catkin_make
    $ source devel/setup.bash
    $ catkin_make


  • To stream the custom FT sensor message, /robotiq_force_torque_sensor, which has of the following format:
    float32 fx
    float32 fy
    float32 fz
    float32 Mx
    float32 My
    float32 Mz
    or geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped named /robotiq_force_torque_wrench. You must run the following node:
    $ rosrun robotiq_force_torque_sensor rq_sensor
  • To listen to subscribed to the topics or visualize the messages from command line:
     $ rostopic echo /robotiq_force_torque_sensor
    or simply subscribe to the message:
    $ rostopic echo /robotiq_force_torque_wrench
  • To bias the sensor and test the readings you can run the following node:
    $ rosrun robotiq_force_torque_sensor rq_test_sensor
  • If there is a tool attached to the sensor you can calibrate using the following something like this...force_torque_tools


Driver installation instructions, stand-alone ros node interface for the robotiq FT300 sensor and filter + tool calibration nodes.







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