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Seawolf Software Install

Notes on installing Seawolf stuff.

URC's software was written with Fedora, Debian, Mint, and Ubuntu in mind.

We assume some basic command line knowledge in order to complete this.

System Packages

Install these system packages with your package manager. The package names given are Debian, Ubuntu, or Mint packages. If you have Fedora, use the packages in parenthesis.

  • python-dev (python-devel)
  • python-opengl
  • python-wxtools (wxPython)
  • build-essential
  • git
  • swig
  • libopencv-dev, libcv-dev, libhighgui-dev (opencv-devel)
  • python-numpy-dev
  • python-opencv (opencv-python)
  • libjpeg-dev (libjpeg-turbo-devel)
  • ncurses-dev (ncurses-devel) (Try libncurses5-dev and libncursesw5-dev on Ubuntu if ncurses-dev doesn't work)
  • python-matplotlib
  • screen
  • python-pip
  • python-psutil

You can install OpenCV from source if you want. If you do, skip installing the opencv- packages. Instructions for installing OpenCV from source can be found here.

Software Repositories

Seawolf's software is split into a number of repositories, all hosted online on github:

You will use the git version control system to get these repositories. To clone a repository, use the git clone command:

$ git clone <url>

Do this for each of the following URLs

  • `

In order push changes to our code back to ncsurobotics repositories, you will need to create a github account and have it added to our organization. You will also need to set up an SSH key on your computer by following these instructions.



Go into the libseawolf directory and run:

$ make
$ sudo make install
$ make pylib
$ sudo make pylib-install
$ sudo ldconfig

To test:

$ python
>>> import seawolf

Go into the swpycv directory and run:

$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig

Go into the svr directory and run:

$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig

To test svr:

$svrd &
$svrctl -o forward,v4l:dev=/dev/video0
$svrwatch -a

A window should pop up that shows your camera stream. Press ctrl c in the teriminal to stop the stream and "pkill svrd" to stop svr.

To test python import:

$ python
>>> import svr

Go into the srv/srv-py directory and run:

$ sudo pip install -e .
If this doesn't work, run:
$ sudo python -m pip install -e .

To test srv python import:

$ python
>>> import srv

Go into the seawolf directory and run:

$ make


For Fedora (or other systems where stropts.h is missing), create a blank file stropts.h in /usr/include

If something like “” is missing, try creating the file “seawolf.conf” containing ”/usr/local/lib” in /etc/