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Garrison Locke edited this page Aug 19, 2013 · 2 revisions

OTF has built-in navigation helpers allowing application admins to setup navigation however they want. From a developer perspective, there is very little here you need to interact with. Navigation uses Zend_Navigation to put itself together, integrating with Zend_Acl for access control. Rather than hardcoding the navigation in the application.ini like most ZF apps, we opted to allow the administrator to control the order and content of the navigation completely and make it dynamically built.

Navigation info is stored in the tbl_ot_nav table. It can be nested up to 4 levels deep. To change the navigation, go to Admin -> Configuration -> Navigation Editor in your OTF app.

The navigation editor uses a simple drag and drop tree structure for organization and then allows you to add and edit the links.

The vast majority of the time, when creating a new navigation element, the permissions and the link will be identical. That is, a new link to mymodule/mycontroller/index will have permissions module: mymodule, controller: mycontroller, and action: myction.

The editor can also link to external URLs by checking the External Link checkbox. Then you can set the permissions to whatever you'd like. The permissions will default to default/index/index if you don't select anything.