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The opkg component must be installed on the target to use open packages.

The component will:

  • add opkg configuration commands,
  • mount a USB filesystem to /opt,
  • inflate *.ipk and *.tar.gz files from the /opt/install directory,
  • execute hook scripts.


The opkg disk command is used to specify the /opt filesystem. The filesystem can be identified by either UUID, or a volume label. For example,

(config)> opkg disk OPT_LABEL:
Opkg::Manager: Disk is set to: OPT_LABEL.
(config)> system configuration save

NTFS and EXT2/3 filesystems are supported. Once the opkg disk is configured and the storage is attached, the opkg component will:

  1. Mount the OPT_LABEL filesystem to /opt.
  2. If the /opt/install directory exists, inflate all /opt/install/*.ipk files to /opt. This unpack should be finished in 120 seconds or it will be finished by timeout.
  3. Execute /opt/etc/initrc.

Hook Scripts

Hook scripts are located in:

  • /opt/etc/initrc — default startup script (can be defined via opkg initrc command),
  • /opt/etc/ndm/*.d/ — event handlers.

Script directories and environment variables are described in specific sections below.

PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables are predefined for selection of executables and dynamic libraries from /opt:


The /opt prefix is always implied in the hook script shebang. That is, both #!/bin/sh and #!/opt/bin/sh will execute the /opt/bin/sh interpreter.

There's 24 seconds timeout on every script to be executed.

All hook scripts started in one queue, i.e. while /opt/etc/ndm/wan.d/ is still running, no any other scripts will be started neither from /opt/etc/ndm/wan.d/ nor from /opt/etc/ndm/netfilter.d/.


Initialization script /opt/etc/initrc is executed after /opt is mounted. It can execute some other init scripts, such as /opt/etc/init.d/* to start background processes. If /opt/etc/initrc is missing, the opkg component will execute /opt/etc/init.d/* in alphabetic order.

For example, dropbear startup script might be:


if [ ! -d /opt/etc/dropbear ]; then
    mkdir /opt/etc/dropbear

if [ ! -f /opt/etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key ]; then
    dropbearkey -t dss -f /opt/etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key

if [ ! -f /opt/etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key ]; then
    dropbearkey -t rsa -f /opt/etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key


To make it compatible with Sys-V like init systems, /opt/etc/initrc and /opt/etc/init.d scripts are called with the start command line argument. When the user wants to eject the /opt storage, /opt/etc/initrc is called with the stop argument.


/opt/etc/ndm/wan.d/ event scripts are executed once a new internet connection is available.

1st Parameter Description
start Internet connection established
stop Internet connection terminated
Variable Description
$interface WAN interface, such as ppp0
$address interface IP address
$mask interface subnet mask
$gateway WAN gateway IP address

When the internet connection is down the wan.d scripts are executed with all above variables undefined.

If the internet connection has been established before mounting /opt the wan.d scripts are executed right after initrc.


/opt/etc/ndm/user.d scripts are executed when /etc/passwd and /etc/group are refreshed by the core system. Add scripts to user.d if you need to modify /etc/passwd or /etc/group. Otherwise, any changes to these files will be overwritten.

Variable Description
$user user name with OptWare access, if added through the core system

When a user is deleted the user.d scripts are executed with undefined $user.

For example, you can create home directories using the user.d hook as follows:



[ -z "$user" ] && exit 0       # $user is undefined
[ -d $home/$user ] && exit 0   # home already exists

if mkdir -p $home/$user; then
    chmod 0755 $home
    chmod 0700 $home/$user
    chown $user $home/$user


/opt/etc/ndm/netfilter.d scripts are executed when the system rewrites a netfilter table. The netfilter.d hooks can modify the table using iptables. The $table and $type variables should be checked to prevent rule duplicates.

Variable Description
$type netfilter protocol, such as iptables for IPv4 or ip6tables for IPv6
$table netfilter table, such as filter, nat or mangle

For example, you can add some mangle rules as follows:


[ "$type" == "ip6tables" ] && exit 0   # check the protocol type in backward-compatible way
[ "$table" != "mangle" ] && exit 0   # check the table name

iptables -A PREROUTING -i br0 -t mangle -p tcp --dport 22 -j MARK --set-mark 1
iptables -A PREROUTING -i br0 -t mangle -p tcp --dport 23 -j MARK --set-mark 1


/opt/etc/ndm/usb.d scripts are executed when a USB dongle is attached or detached.

1st Parameter Description
start USB device attached
stop USB device detached

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the dongle.

Variable Description Example
$usb_device Path to the /proc/bus/usb device /proc/bus/usb/002/001
$usb_devname Name of device in /proc/bus/usb bus/usb/002/001
$usb_devpath Path in sysfs /devices/platform/xhci-hcd/usb2
$usb_model USB model ID 0003
$usb_port USB port number 2
$usb_vendor USB vendor ID 1d6b

Any device connected before execution of Opkg init script will trigger this callback scripts scheduled to be run at the execution of Opkg init script.


/opt/etc/ndm/fs.d scripts are called when filesystem is mounted or preparing to be unmounted or unexpectedly ejected.

1st Parameter Description
start filesystem is mounted
stop filesystem is preparing to be unmounted or unexpectedly ejected

Filesystem type can be any of: VFAT, EXFAT, NTFS, EXT2, EXT3, EXT4 or HFSP.

Variable Description Example
$type Filesystem type EXT2
$name Filesystem ID 583a7335-6ef8-460b-a4c1-43a2e5c70e71:
$label Filesystem / partition label SecondPart
$directory Filesystem mount directory (absolute path) /tmp/mnt/SecondPart

Any filesystem mounted before execution of Opkg init script will trigger this callback scripts scheduled to be run at the execution of Opkg init script.


/opt/etc/ndm/time.d scripts are called when the system time is changed (synchronized via NTP).


/opt/etc/ndm/button.d scripts are called when Fn, and/or WPS button(s) has been pressed.

Variable Description Example
$button Which button has been pressed WLAN
$action Type of click click, double-click or hold

You have to configure some details from web interface first.


/opt/etc/ndm/schedule.d scripts are called with schedule events (if schedules defined via CLI).

1st Parameter Description
start start of scheduled task
stop end of scheduled task

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the task details.

Variable Description
$schedule name of schedule
$elapsed time (in seconds) taken for action


/opt/etc/ndm/neighbour.d scripts are called with certain network neighbor events. Scripts are invoked with first parameter($1) == hook.

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the task details.

Variable Description
$id unique ID of neighbour since boot
$action neighbour action(new, del or update)
$update type of update (if any): ip6list for updating list of IPv6 addresses per neighbour, wireless for changing media type (e. g. roaming between access-points), mac (if real MAC is changed, e. g. on repeaters with MAT), dhcp (if DHCP info was updated) and none
$address address family - ipv4 or ipv6


/opt/etc/ndm/ifcreated.d scripts are called when NDM interface is created. Scripts are invoked with first parameter($1) == hook.

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the task details.

Variable Description
$id NDM interface ID
$system_name Linux-specific interface name


/opt/etc/ndm/ifdestroyed.d scripts are called when NDM interface is removed. Scripts are invoked with first parameter($1) == hook.

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the task details.

Variable Description
$id NDM interface ID
$system_name Linux-specific interface name


/opt/etc/ndm/ifipchanged.d scripts are called when IPv4 address or subnet of NDM interface is changed. Scripts are invoked with first parameter($1) == hook.

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the task details.

Variable Description
$id NDM interface ID
$system_name Linux-specific interface name
$address New IPv4 address
$mask New IPv4 network mask
$link Interface current link status, can be up or down
$connected Interface current connection status, can be yes or no
$up Interface current status, can be up or down
$global Interface current global priority, can be zero for non-global interfaces and > 0 when interface is global

ndm/ifip6changed.d (since 4.0)

/opt/etc/ndm/ifip6changed.d scripts are called when IPv6 address or subnet of NDM interface is changed. Scripts are invoked with first parameter($1) == hook.

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the task details.

Variable Description
$id NDM interface ID
$system_name Linux-specific interface name
$address IPv6 address
$mask IPv6 network mask
$link Interface current link status, can be up or down
$connected Interface current connection status, can be yes or no
$up Interface current status, can be up or down
$action Current change action, can be add or delete
$global Interface current global priority, can be zero for non-global interfaces and > 0 when interface is global

ndm/ifstatechanged.d (obsoleted since 4.0, kept only for backward compatibility)

/opt/etc/ndm/ifstatechanged.d scripts are called when status of NDM interface is changed. Scripts are invoked with first parameter($1) == hook.

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the task details.

Variable Description
$id NDM interface ID
$system_name Linux-specific interface name
$link Interface current link status, can be up or down
$connected Interface current connection status, can be yes or no
$up Interface current status, can be up or down
$change Source of changes, can be link, connected, up or config

ndm/iflayerchanged.d (new and primary from 4.0)

/opt/etc/ndm/iflayerchanged.d scripts are called when status of NDM interface layer state is changed. Scripts are invoked with first parameter($1) == hook.

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the task details.

Variable Description
$id NDM interface ID
$system_name Linux-specific interface name
$layer Interface layer, can be conf (administrative from config), link (ethernet L2 / PPP), ipv4 (got/lost IPv4 access), ipv6 (got/lost IPv6 access), ctrl (802.1x or WebCaller status change)
$level Interface layer current status, can be running, detached (USB disconnect), disabled, pending, running


/opt/etc/ndm/sms.d scripts are called when SMS on UsbQmi interface is received. Scripts are invoked with first parameter($1) == hook.

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the task details.

Variable Description
$interface_id NDM interface ID
$message_id SMS ID

Actual content of SMS can be retrieved via ci/rci (ndmq / jq commands) using supplied interface and message IDs.


/opt/etc/ndm/pptp_vpn_up.d scripts are called when user is connected to PPTP VPN server. Scripts are invoked with first parameter($1) == hook.

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the task details.

Variable Description
$ndm_opkg_id User name
$iface System interface (typically vpn*)
$remote External IPv4 address of remote peer
$local IPv4 address of remote peer inside tunnel


/opt/etc/ndm/pptp_vpn_down.d scripts are called when user is disconnected from PPTP VPN server. Scripts are invoked with first parameter($1) == hook.

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the task details.

Variable Description
$ndm_opkg_id User name
$iface System interface (typically vpn*)
$remote External IPv4 address of remote peer
$local IPv4 address of remote peer inside tunnel


/opt/etc/ndm/sstp_vpn_up.d scripts are called when user is connected to SSTP VPN server. Scripts are invoked with first parameter($1) == hook.

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the task details.

Variable Description
$ndm_opkg_id User name
$iface System interface (typically sstp*)
$remote External IPv4 address of remote peer
$local IPv4 address of remote peer inside tunnel


/opt/etc/ndm/sstp_vpn_down.d scripts are called when user is disconnected from SSTP VPN server. Scripts are invoked with first parameter($1) == hook.

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the task details.

Variable Description
$ndm_opkg_id User name
$iface System interface (typically sstp*)
$remote External IPv4 address of remote peer
$local IPv4 address of remote peer inside tunnel


/opt/etc/ndm/l2tp_ipsec_vpn_up.d scripts are called when user is connected to L2TP/IPsec VPN server. Scripts are invoked with first parameter($1) == hook.

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the task details.

Variable Description
$ndm_opkg_id User name
$iface System interface (typically l2tp*)
$remote External IPv4 address of remote peer
$local IPv4 address of remote peer inside tunnel


/opt/etc/ndm/l2tp_ipsec_vpn_down.d scripts are called when user is disconnected from L2TP/IPsec VPN server. Scripts are invoked with first parameter($1) == hook.

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the task details.

Variable Description
$ndm_opkg_id User name
$iface System interface (typically l2tp*)
$remote External IPv4 address of remote peer
$local IPv4 address of remote peer inside tunnel


/opt/etc/ndm/vip_vpn_up.d scripts are called when user is connected to Virtual IP VPN server. Scripts are invoked with first parameter($1) == hook.

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the task details.

Variable Description
$ndm_opkg_id User name
$remote External IPv4 address of remote peer
$local IPv4 address of remote peer inside tunnel


/opt/etc/ndm/vip_vpn_down.d scripts are called when user is disconnected from Virtual IP VPN server. Scripts are invoked with first parameter($1) == hook.

The following environment variables are defined to let you identify the task details.

Variable Description
$ndm_opkg_id User name
$remote External IPv4 address of remote peer
$local IPv4 address of remote peer inside tunnel


/opt/etc/ndm/openvpn-*.d/ scripts are called when OpenVPN in NDMS executes hook script (2.10+, only when ndm-mod-openvpn is installed and configured).

List of scripts:

  • /opt/etc/ndm/openvpn-up.d/
  • /opt/etc/ndm/openvpn-tls-verify.d/
  • /opt/etc/ndm/openvpn-ipchange.d/
  • /opt/etc/ndm/openvpn-client-connect.d/
  • /opt/etc/ndm/openvpn-route-up.d/
  • /opt/etc/ndm/openvpn-client-disconnect.d/
  • /opt/etc/ndm/openvpn-down.d/
  • /opt/etc/ndm/openvpn-learn-address.d/

For meanings of scripts one should consult with official OpenVPN man page (section SCRIPTING AND ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES)

All environmental variables set by OpenVPN itself (described here) are preserved as is and passed to opkg hook scripts. Scripts are invoked with first parameter($1) == hook. All arguments from original hook execution are passed as additional environment variables.

Variable Description
$ndm_opkg_id NDMS ID of interface, for example OpenVPN0
$ndm_opkg_argc count of arguments in original hook invocation
$ndm_opkg_arg_N value of argument N, where N is a number within [0..$ndm_opkg_argc]