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Treetime 🌲⌛

Maximum likelihood dating and ancestral sequence inference

This is an experimental merge and remix of

built with containerized miniservice architecture in mind.

Table of contents

Getting started


If you share Kevin's "Small talk" philosophy

then just copy this into your terminal window:

git clone --recursive
cd treetime-monorepo
tools/ubuntu-install-docker # if you don't have docker installed yet
cp .env{.example,}
yarn dev

otherwise, follow the Development setup section.


You can read about the architecture of the application, as well as about included services and their functions here: docs/architecture

Take a quick look if you are a new developer!

Directory structure

This section describes what you can find in the repository and where.

As a user you don't really need to worry about this repository, but you may find examples/ (📘) and docs/ (📘) directories useful.

As a developer you are most likely interested in the actual source code (⭐) or configuration files (🛠️).

File or directory Flags Contents
📁.build/ ⏰♻️ Contains build artifacts
📁.cache/ ⏰♻️ Cache or temporary files, for example package manager cache or build system cache
📁.volumes/ Writable docker volumes, to ensure persistence of files outside of containers
📁docker/ 🛠️⚙️ Configuration related to docker containers and to their orchestration
📁docs/ 📘 Contains documentation
📁examples/ 📘 Contains examples and tutorials
📁services/ Implementation of services
├📁api/ ☁️⚙️⭐ Implementation of the API service
├📁reverseproxy/ ☁️⚙️ Implementation of the reverse proxy service
├📁taskqueue/ ☁️⚙️ Implementation of the task queue service
├📁web/ ☁️⚙️⭐ Implementation of the web client service
├📁worker/ ☁️⚙️⭐ Implementation of the worker service
📁tools/ 🛠️ Various developer tools and scripts
📄.env ⚙️ Current environment configuration (created by the developer)
📄.env.example ⚙️ Example environment configuration
📄package.json ⚙️ Root package.json. Currently contains developer scrips
📄 📘 This document


  • ⭐ - source code (start browsing here!)
  • ☁️ - implements a service
  • ⚙️ - contains configuration or infrastructure setup
  • ⏰ - temporary
  • 📘 - contains learning materials
  • 📚 - implements a library
  • ♻️ - safe to delete
  • 🛠️ - useful tools

Development setup

This section describes how to run the application in development mode. You need this as a developer, in order to develop and test new features and bug fixes.

0. Clone git repository

git clone --recursive

1. Install requirements

Currently, the following are required to be installed on host machine:

The recommended developer tools also include:

  • lazydocker - to manage containers from a terminal-based UI
  • ctop - to monitor performance characteristics of running containers

ℹ️ As of right now, the only supported host OS is Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

ℹ️ Directory tools/ contains, among others, the following utility scripts:

ℹ️ Node.js and yarn are currently only used to run npm scripts, which further run services through docker-compose. Yarn scripts are likely to be replaced (probably with a Makefile), then the dependency on Node.js can be dropped.

2. Setup the environment

Create a .env file with desired environment configuration. If not sure, just copy the example one:

cp .env.example .env

it contains sane defaults which should be good enough to kick-start local development. Modify as needed.

ℹ️ Don't forget to update .env file every time you pull changes to the .env.example

⚠️ .env file may contain passwords, API keys and other secrets, especially in production environment. Keep these in a safe place!

⛔ Never commit your .env file into source control! Instead, modify .env.example file as a reference for other developers and for production environment.

3. Launch

From project root run:

yarn dev

This will bring up a set of services in development mode, as described in docker-compose file at docker/ In development mode this will ensure that the necessary container images are built or pulled from Docker Hub and that all containers are started, and their corresponding services are built and ran.

Watch for treetime-web build, as it is the one that takes the longest. Once the build is done, web client will be listening on http://localhost:8080 (by default, can be modified in .env file).

On code changes, most of the services will either be automatically restarted or will have relevant modules hot reloaded. It is almost never necessary to restart any of the services. If you find yourself in need to selectively restart a particular service, use docker-compose CLI. Or, even better, lazydocker.

Press Ctrl+C to bring all the running services down.

4. Testing


5. Linting (static analysis)


6. Code style


Production setup


Release setup


Continuous integration, deployment


Code of conduct



