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Neo edited this page Feb 23, 2022 · 3 revisions


Neo's Go Struct Validator is a simple validator built on the core of OAS Specification. The validator is heavily inspired by the OAS Specification approach leading to the creation of structs in a generic manner.

The validator covers the specifications, and its respective validations according to OAS.


go get


go test -run=Bench -bench=. -benchtime 5000000x
S.No. Name Ops BenchResult
1 BenchmarkValidator-8 5000000 849 ns/op
1 BenchmarkValidatorParallel-8 5000000 268 ns/op

Quick Start Guide

It comes with a simple usage as explained below, just import the package, and you are good to go.

To add check for validations, add the constraints tag in the struct fields.

    package main
    import (
    var sv = validator.NewStructValidator()
    type TestStruct struct {
        Name        string  `json:"name" constraints:"required=true;nillable=true;min-length=5"`
        Age         int     `json:"age" constraints:"required=true;nillable=true;min=21"`
        Description string  `json:"description" constraints:"required=true;nillable=true;max-length=50"`
        Cost        float64 `json:"cost" constraints:"required=true;nillable=true;exclusiveMin=200"`
        ItemCount   int     `json:"itemCount" constraints:"required=true;nillable=true;multipleOf=5"`
    func main() {
        msg := TestStruct{
            Name:        "Test",
            Age:         25,
            Description: "this is bench testing",
            Cost:        299.9,
            ItemCount:   2000,
        if err := sv.Validate(msg); err != nil {


Mandatory Validations Check

2 constraints are to be present with each struct contraint tag

  1. required
  2. nillable

If any one of the constraint is not passed, the validation fails with the respective error.

Validations Supported

S.No. Name Data Type Supported Status
1 required all WIP
2 nillable all WIP
3 default all WIP
4 min numeric
5 max numeric
6 exclusiveMin numeric
7 exclusiveMax numeric
8 multipleOf numeric
9 max-length string
10 min-length string
11 pattern string
12 enum all