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Buffer source doesn't work #335

sainnhe opened this issue Jan 13, 2019 · 12 comments

Buffer source doesn't work #335

sainnhe opened this issue Jan 13, 2019 · 12 comments


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sainnhe commented Jan 13, 2019


This is how coc behaves:


And this is how ncm2 behaves:


What I expect: complete buffer words like ncm2

My config


call plug#begin('~/.cache/vim/plugins')

if g:VIM_Snippets ==# 'ultisnips'
    Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
    Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'
elseif g:VIM_Snippets ==# 'neosnippet'
    Plug 'Shougo/neosnippet.vim'
    Plug 'Shougo/neosnippet-snippets'
    Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'
elseif g:VIM_Snippets ==# 'coc-snippets'
    Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
    Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'

Plug 'Shougo/neco-vim' | Plug 'neoclide/coc-neco'
Plug 'Shougo/neoinclude.vim' | Plug 'jsfaint/coc-neoinclude'
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'do': 'proxychains yarn install'}
Plug 'iamcco/coc-action-source.nvim'

call plug#end()

    if g:VIM_Snippets ==# 'ultisnips'
        let g:Coc_Snippet = 'coc-ultisnips'
    elseif g:VIM_Snippets ==# 'coc-snippets'
        let g:Coc_Snippet = 'coc-snippets'
    call coc#add_extension(
                \   'coc-dictionary', 'coc-word', 'coc-emoji',
                \   g:Coc_Snippet, 'coc-tag',
                \   'coc-html', 'coc-css',
                \   'coc-emmet', 'coc-pyls', 'coc-rls',
                \   'coc-jest', 'coc-json'
                \   )
    augroup CocAu
        autocmd CursorHoldI,CursorMovedI * call CocAction('showSignatureHelp')
        autocmd User CocJumpPlaceholder call CocActionAsync('showSignatureHelp')
        autocmd InsertEnter * call CocMapping()
    augroup END
    set completeopt=noinsert,noselect,menuone
    highlight CocErrorHighlight ctermfg=Gray guifg=#8d8d8d
    if g:VIM_Snippets ==# 'coc-snippets'
        let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger       = '<A-z>``````j'
        let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger      = '<A-z>``````k'
    function! CocMapping()
        inoremap <expr> <Tab> pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<Tab>"
        inoremap <expr> <S-Tab> pumvisible() ? "\<C-p>" : "\<C-n>"
        inoremap <expr> <C-j> pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : "\<C-j>"
        inoremap <expr> <up> pumvisible() ? "\<Space>\<Backspace>\<up>" : "\<up>"
        inoremap <expr> <down> pumvisible() ? "\<Space>\<Backspace>\<down>" : "\<down>"
        inoremap <expr> <left> pumvisible() ? "\<Space>\<Backspace>\<left>" : "\<left>"
        inoremap <expr> <right> pumvisible() ? "\<Space>\<Backspace>\<right>" : "\<right>"
        inoremap <expr> <CR> pumvisible() ? "\<Space>\<Backspace>\<CR>" : "\<CR>"
        inoremap <expr> <C-z> pumvisible() ? "\<C-e>" : "<C-z>"


    "coc.preferences.snippetIndicator": "\ue796",
    "coc.preferences.minTriggerInputLength": 1,
    "coc.preferences.diagnostic.errorSign": "\uf65b",
    "coc.preferences.diagnostic.warningSign": "\uf421",
    "coc.preferences.diagnostic.infoSign": "",
    "coc.preferences.diagnostic.hintSign": "",
    "coc.preferences.diagnostic.displayByAle": true,
    "$schema": "./data/schema.json",
    "coc.preferences.autoTrigger": "always",
    "coc.preferences.snippets.enable": true,
    "coc.preferences.colorSupport": true,
    "coc.preferences.hoverTarget": "preview",
    "coc.preferences.maxColorCount": 1000,
    "coc.preferences.triggerAfterInsertEnter": false,
    "coc.preferences.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter": false,
    "coc.preferences.triggerSignatureHelp": true,
    "coc.preferences.timeout": 2000,
    "coc.preferences.noselect": true,
    "coc.preferences.formatOnType": false,
    "coc.preferences.parseKeywordsLimitLines": 5000,
    "coc.preferences.hyphenAsKeyword": true,
    "coc.preferences.jumpCommand": "edit",
    "coc.preferences.diagnostic.locationlist": true,
    "coc.preferences.diagnostic.enable": true,
    "coc.preferences.diagnostic.level": "hint",
    "coc.preferences.diagnostic.enableMessage": true,
    "coc.preferences.diagnostic.highlightOffset": 1000,
    "coc.preferences.diagnostic.signOffset": 1000,
    "coc.preferences.codeLens.enable": true,
    "coc.preferences.codeLens.separator": "",
    "coc.source.emmet.priority": 1,
    "coc.source.ultisnips.priority": 2,
    "coc.source.snippets.priority": 2,
    "coc.source.around.priority": 10,
    "coc.source.buffer.priority": 11,
    "coc.source.file.priority": 12,
    "coc.source.dictionary.priority": 20,
    "coc.source.word.priority": 21,
    "coc.source.emoji.priority": 22,
    "coc.source.around.enable": true,
    "coc.source.around.shortcut": "A",
    "coc.source.buffer.enable": true,
    "coc.source.buffer.shortcut": "B",
    "coc.source.buffer.ignoreGitignore": true,
    "coc.source.file.enable": true,
    "coc.source.file.shortcut": "F",
    "coc.source.file.triggerCharacters": ["/"],
    "coc.source.file.trimSameExts": [".ts", ".js"],
    "coc.source.file.ignoreHidden": true,
    "coc.source.file.ignorePatterns": [],
    "coc.source.dictionary.enable": true,
    "coc.source.dictionary.shortcut": "D",
    "coc.source.dictionary.filetypes": ["markdown"],
    "coc.source.word.enable": true,
    "coc.source.word.shortcut": "W",
    "coc.source.word.filetypes": ["markdown"],
    "coc.source.emoji.enable": true,
    "coc.source.emoji.shortcut": "E",
    "coc.source.emoji.filetypes": ["markdown"],
    "coc.source.ultisnips.enable": true,
    "coc.source.ultisnips.shortcut": "S",
    "coc.source.snippets.enable": true,
    "coc.source.snippets.shortcut": "S",
    "coc.source.snippets.extends": {
        "cpp": ["c"],
        "javascriptreact": ["javascript"],
        "typescript": ["javascript"]
    "coc.source.snippets.ultisnips.enable": true,
    "coc.source.snippets.ultisnips.pythonVersion": 3,
    "coc.source.snippets.ultisnips.directories": ["UltiSnips"],
    "coc.source.snippets.loadFromExtensions": true,
    "coc.source.emmet.showExpandedAbbreviation": true,
    "coc.source.emmet.showAbbreviationSuggestions": true,
    "coc.source.emmet.includeLanguages": {"vue-html": "html", "javascript": "javascriptreact"},
    "http.proxy": "",
    "http.proxyStrictSSL": true,
    "languageserver": {
        "clangd": {
            "command": "ccls",
            "filetypes": ["c", "cpp", "objc", "objcpp"],
            "initializationOptions": {
                "cacheDirectory": "/tmp/ccls"
        "bash": {
            "command": "bash-language-server",
            "filetypes": ["sh"],
            "args": ["start"]
        "MPLS": {
            "command": "dotnet",
            "args": ["exec", "/home/sainnhe/.cache/python-language-server/output/bin/Release/Microsoft.Python.LanguageServer.dll"],
            "filetypes": ["python"],
            "initializationOptions": {
                "interpreter": {
                    "properties": {
                        "InterpreterPath": "/bin/python3",
                        "UseDefaultDatabase": true,
                        "Version": "3.7.1"
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chemzqm commented Jan 13, 2019

Can't reproduce, looks like your around source is disabled, consider checkout the log:

@chemzqm chemzqm closed this as completed Jan 13, 2019
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sainnhe commented Jan 13, 2019

here is the log

but I still have no idea what is going on, I have already enabled around source

    "coc.source.around.enable": true,

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chemzqm commented Jan 13, 2019

There's no line contains around, it could be disabled by use vim function like coc#config.
Try coc.nvim with minimal vimrc.

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sainnhe commented Jan 13, 2019

I've tried a minimal vimrc provided by, but it dosen't work still.

And meanwhile, I find that the around source works intermittently. it works in some situations, but fails sometimes.

But the buffer source doesn't work all the time.

Maybe this is not a common problem, I'm trying to get ncm2-coc to work, hope this would solve my problem.

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chemzqm commented Jan 13, 2019

Coc doesn't generate keywords for git ignored files and none empty filetype.
Also check your iskeywords option.

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sainnhe commented Jan 13, 2019

OK, I find the reason.
That's because I create a "dotfiles" repo which is located in $HOME, and exclude all files



and then use git add -f to add some dotfiles. So coc only works when edit those dotfiles.
Dotfiles - ArchWiki

Is there any option to force coc to generate keywords for git ignored files in a certain repo?

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chemzqm commented Jan 13, 2019

I've made coc generate words for ignored files, you can use "coc.source.buffer.ignoreGitignore" to toggle those words in completion.

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sainnhe commented Jan 14, 2019

Thanks for your work, but unfortunately, it still doesn't work.
I have already upgraded coc to latest version, and tried to toggle

"coc.source.buffer.ignoreGitignore": true,
"coc.source.buffer.ignoreGitignore": false,

But both around and buffer source still don't work when I edit git ignored files.
Personally, I thought there should be a "coc.source.around.ignoreGitignore" option to toggle around source in completion, because around source still seems to be disabled when edit git ignored files.

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chemzqm commented Jan 14, 2019

No need for "coc.source.around.ignoreGitignore", it always return words of current buffer.
I think you didn't compile code from master branch, you have to not use tag:* in Plug command.

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sainnhe commented Jan 14, 2019

It works, thanks!

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Coc doesn't generate keywords for git ignored files and none empty filetype.
Also check your iskeywords option.

@chemzqm Sorry to necrobump this issue, is there a way to configure coc so it does not ignore none empty filetype? I imagine this was added for performance sake, but if I type some keyword on another file I want to reference it on the current one if I have both buffers opened.

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chemzqm commented Jun 2, 2020

@Pablo1107 no, it sucks, you can simply invoke <C-n> for keywords completion of vim, it even works without any plugin.

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