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Configuration files for my Arch Linux installation

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Arch Linux dotfiles

Various dotfiles, scripts and other config files for my Arch Linux installation.

NOTE: this repository has been archived as I no longer use my laptop very much.

  • Various scripts in .local/bin/ (setting the wallpaper, video playback from the ~/Videos directory using mpv, status bar blocks, etc.) Make sure to set them as executable with chmod u+x if they already aren't.
  • Wallpaper setting script in .local/bin/setbg which sets the wallpaper using feh and a fitting color scheme with python-pywal. This script is also ran at dwm startup, using the image at ~/.config/dwm-background as the wallpaper (the file can also be a symlink as well).
  • Settings for various programs, such as zsh, mpv and so on, are in .config/.
  • Source code for dwm, dwmblocks (the status bar), dmenu and st with various patches applied are in .config/suckless/
  • dwm:
    • Version 6.2
    • Applied patches:
      • fullgaps - adds gaps between windows and allows to configure them at run-time.
      • shiftview - allows the user to rotate the currently selected tag (
      • swallow - adds window swallowing functionality. As an example, starting mpv or sxiv will now "hide" the terminal window that started that process. This patch helps users spawning a lot of graphical programs from their command line by avoiding cluttering the screen with many unusable terminals.
      • restartsig - allows dwm to be restarted with a keybinding (default: MOD + CTRL + SHIFT + Q)
      • attachaside - new clients (windows) appear in the stack rather than in the master
      • cyclelayouts - cycle through all available layouts using keybindings (defaults: MOD + CTRL + , and MOD + CTRL + .)
      • gridmode - adds an extra layout called grid in which the windows are arranged in a grid of equal sizes
      • rotatestack - rotates a window through the stack, in either direction (defaults: MOD + SHIFT + j and MOD + SHIFT + k)
      • statuspadding - horizontal and vertical padding in the status bar are now configurable options
      • systray - adds a system tray (applied dwm-systray-6.2.diff, NOT dwm-systray-20200914-61bb8b2.diff @
  • dwmblocks - modular status bar for dwm (
  • dmenu:
    • Version 5.0
    • Applied patches:
      • borderoption (under border patch) - adds border around the dmenu window
      • center - centers dmenu in the middle of the screen
      • fuzzymatch - adds support for fuzzy-matching
      • grid - adds the ability to render dmenu's entries in a grid (-g)
      • lineheight - adds a flag (-h) to set the minimum height of dmenu lines
      • numbers - adds text which displays the number of matched and total items in the top right corner
  • st (simple terminal):
    • Version 0.8.4
    • Applied patches:
      • alpha - allows the user to have transparent terminals (requires xcompmgr or some other X compositor, such as picom to be running in the background, the startup script takes care of that)
      • anysize - smoothly changes the terminal's window size when adjusting window gaps
      • clipboard - sets the clipboard, rather than the primary buffer on selection (text from the clipboard can be pasted by clicking the scroll wheel)
      • scrollback - allows the user to scrollback the terminal output. I've also applied the scrollback-mouse patch so that I can scroll the terminal output back and forth using Shift and mouse wheel (by default)
  • Normally, setting the monitor brightness using acpilight (or xorg-xbacklight) requires root access. This is not ideal when you have a minimal WM environment (like dwm) and you set up the ability to make the backlight dimmer or brighter using the monitor brightness up and down keys on the keyboard. However, there is a udev rule, which allows setting the backlight by any user in the video group without requiring root access. It is in etc/udev/rules.d/90-backlight.rules. You can add a user to the video group with sudo gpasswd -a <user> video
  • dwm startup script in /usr/local/bin/
  • Session configuration for dwm in /usr/share/xsessions/dwm.desktop. This allows setting my session to use dwm at the login prompt (in my case, SDDM).
  • Config file for SDDM's Sugar Candy theme in usr/share/sddm/themes/sugar-candy/.
  • Fonts that are required:
    • Source Code Pro (for st). Package: adobe-source-code-pro-fonts.
    • Helvetica Neue. I use it throughout my desktop, for subtitles in mpv and vlc. It's used both by Qt applications (configured through KDE's system settings) and GTK applications (.config/gtk-2.0/gtkrc). Copied over from my Windows install ( If Helvetica Neue is not installed, the OS should be able to use some other font instead.
    • Hack Nerd Font (for dwm). Available at or by installing nerd-fonts-hack from the AUR.
  • List of all explicitly installed packages on my system (with pacman -Qe) are in pkglist.txt. I use paru as my AUR helper.

I haven't pushed any of KDE's config files to this, as there are way too many of them and everything' set through the GUI anyway (e.g. fonts, whether you single click or double click files to open them in the file manager, icons, colors and so on).



KDE screenshot


dwm screenshot