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A calendar to mark something(About love).

Calendar page: calendar.png

Detail page: detail.png

How to run

Clone repo

$ git clone
$ cd LoveCalendar

Install python and its dependence

$ virtualenv -p python3 flask
$ source flask/bin/activate
(flask) $ pip install -r requirements.txt


To install postgresql:

On MacOX:

(flask) $ brew install postgres
(flask) $ brew services start postgresql

Then create and edit the app/calendar_settings.cfg if you want to set own private config, set the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI field to yours. I use development for the pgsql user name and lovecalendar for the database name.

(flask) $ export CALENDAR_SETTINGS=calendar_settings.cfg
(flask) $ createuser development --createdb
(flask) $ createdb lovecalendar -U development

For example, there is the private app/calendar_settings.cfg file:

from app import app
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql://development@localhost/lovecalendar'

Init database

Run command below:

(flask) $ export
(flask) $ flask db upgrade

Init app and run

Because this app needs only two users, you can use flask app add_user to add user.

For testing purpose, you can try flask app test_users to add default two users: steve and stevie, their password as same as their username.

Then you can use flask app fake_notes to add some test notes.

To run it by flask run or gunicorn app:app -w 4.