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This HTM Engine application was build from the Skeleton HTM Engine App. It is like a scaffolding with an HTM Engine ready to run after a few configuration changes. It is the place to start if you want to create a new HTM Engine application. See its README for more details.


1. Install and Start Required Services

Install the following services appropriately for your environment:

Go ahead and start the MySQL server and RabbitMQ, but not Supervisor.

2. Install HTM Engine and NTA Utils

Clone locally.

You'll need to install nta.utils, which is a dependency of htmengine:

cd numenta-apps/nta.utils
python develop --user

Then you can install htmengine in development mode:

cd numenta-apps/htmengine
python develop --user

3. Install Required Python Modules

Now, back in your htmengine-traffic-tutorial directory:

pip install -r python-engine/requirements.txt

4. Set APPLICATION_CONFIG_PATH in your environment

The APPLICATION_CONFIG_PATH environment variable must be set, and point to the htmengine-traffic-tutorial/python-engine/conf/ directory. For example, if you're in the the htmengine-traffic-tutorial directory:

export APPLICATION_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd`/python-engine/conf

5. Create a MySQL database

For this tutorial, we'll be using a database called traffic:

mysql -u root --execute="CREATE DATABASE traffic"

6. Apply database migrations

This will set up the traffic database by creating the appropriate table schema for the application.

Again, from the htmengine-traffic-tutorial directory:

python python-engine/repository/

7. Update Two Config Files

In python-engine/conf/supervisord.conf, there are two places where asbolute paths need to be updated. Look for the string /Users/mtaylor/nta/ and replace with your local path to your htmeengine-traffic-tutorial checkout.

In python-engine/conf/model-checkpoint.conf, update the storage.root value to point to a directory within your own file system. If this folder does not exist, it will be created.

8. Start services with supervisor

Thsi time, you must be in the htmengine-traffic-tutorial/python-engine directory:

cd python-engine
mkdir logs
supervisord -c conf/supervisord.conf

At this point, the core htmengine services are running. You can see the supervisor status at http://localhost:9001/ or by running supervisorctl status.

To stop supervisord services, run supervisorctl stop all.


The HTM Engine server is now running. You may now continue setup within the primary README of this repository.