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coco2019 hacking, test data etc.
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62442katieb committed Jan 14, 2019
1 parent 608516e commit 3f4dd99
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Showing 2 changed files with 1,543 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
import os
import os.path as op
import json
import shutil
import zipfile
import requests
from glob import glob

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import nibabel as nib
from scipy import ndimage

from nimare.utils import get_resource_path

def _local_max(data, affine, min_distance):
"""Find all local maxima of the array, separated by at least min_distance.
Adapted from
data : array_like
3D array of with masked values for cluster.
min_distance : :obj:`int`
Minimum distance between local maxima in ``data``, in terms of mm.
ijk : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
(n_foci, 3) array of local maxima indices for cluster.
vals : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
(n_foci,) array of values from data at ijk.
# Initial identification of subpeaks with minimal minimum distance
data_max = ndimage.filters.maximum_filter(data, 3)
maxima = (data == data_max)
data_min = ndimage.filters.minimum_filter(data, 3)
diff = ((data_max - data_min) > 0)
maxima[diff == 0] = 0

labeled, n_subpeaks = ndimage.label(maxima)
ijk = np.array(ndimage.center_of_mass(data, labeled,
range(1, n_subpeaks + 1)))
ijk = np.round(ijk).astype(int)

vals = np.apply_along_axis(arr=ijk, axis=1, func1d=_get_val,

# Sort subpeaks in cluster in descending order of stat value
order = (-vals).argsort()
vals = vals[order]
ijk = ijk[order, :]
xyz = nib.affines.apply_affine(affine, ijk) # Convert to xyz in mm

# Reduce list of subpeaks based on distance
keep_idx = np.ones(xyz.shape[0]).astype(bool)
for i in range(xyz.shape[0]):
for j in range(i + 1, xyz.shape[0]):
if keep_idx[i] == 1:
dist = np.linalg.norm(xyz[i, :] - xyz[j, :])
keep_idx[j] = dist > min_distance
ijk = ijk[keep_idx, :]
vals = vals[keep_idx]
return ijk, vals

def _get_val(row, input_arr):
"""Small function for extracting values from array based on index.
i, j, k = row
return input_arr[i, j, k]

def download_file(url):
local_filename = url.split('/')[-1]
# NOTE the stream=True parameter
r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
with open(local_filename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks
return local_filename

def download_dataset():
coll = '1425'
url = '{0}/download'.format(coll)
out_dir = op.join(get_resource_path(),

os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)

# Download
fname = download_file(url)

# Unzip
with zipfile.ZipFile(fname, 'r') as zip_ref:

collection_folders = [f for f in glob(op.join(out_dir, '*'))
if '.nidm' not in f]
collection_folders = [f for f in collection_folders if op.isdir(f)]
if len(collection_folders) > 1:
raise Exception('More than one folder found: '
'{0}'.format(', '.join(collection_folders)))
folder = collection_folders[0]
zip_files = glob(op.join(folder, '*.zip'))
for zf in zip_files:
fn = op.splitext(op.basename(zf))[0]
with zipfile.ZipFile(zf, 'r') as zip_ref:
zip_ref.extractall(op.join(out_dir, fn))


def make_json():
dset_file = 'nimare/resources/nidm_pain_dset_with_subpeaks_docker.json'

ddict = {}
folders = sorted(glob(op.join(
for folder in folders:
name = op.basename(folder)
ddict[name] = {}
ddict[name]['contrasts'] = {}
ddict[name]['contrasts']['1'] = {}
ddict[name]['contrasts']['1']['coords'] = {}
ddict[name]['contrasts']['1']['coords']['space'] = 'MNI'
ddict[name]['contrasts']['1']['images'] = {}
ddict[name]['contrasts']['1']['images']['space'] = 'MNI_2mm'
# con file
files = glob(op.join(folder, 'Contrast*.nii.gz'))
files = [f for f in files if 'StandardError' not in op.basename(f)]
if files:
f = sorted(files)[0]
f = None
ddict[name]['contrasts']['1']['images']['con'] = f
# se file
files = glob(op.join(folder, 'ContrastStandardError*.nii.gz'))
if files:
f = sorted(files)[0]
f = None
ddict[name]['contrasts']['1']['images']['se'] = f
# z file
files = glob(op.join(folder, 'ZStatistic*.nii.gz'))
if files:
f = sorted(files)[0]
f = None
ddict[name]['contrasts']['1']['images']['z'] = f
# t file
# z file
files = glob(op.join(folder, 'TStatistic*.nii.gz'))
if files:
f = sorted(files)[0]
f = None
ddict[name]['contrasts']['1']['images']['t'] = f
# sample size
f = op.join(folder, 'DesignMatrix.csv')
if op.isfile(f):
df = pd.read_csv(f, header=None)
n = [df.shape[0]]
n = None
ddict[name]['contrasts']['1']['sample_sizes'] = n
# foci
files = glob(op.join(folder, 'ExcursionSet*.nii.gz'))
f = sorted(files)[0]
img = nib.load(f)
data = np.nan_to_num(img.get_data())
# positive clusters
binarized = np.copy(data)
binarized[binarized > 0] = 1
binarized[binarized < 0] = 0
binarized = binarized.astype(int)
labeled = ndimage.measurements.label(binarized, np.ones((3, 3, 3)))[0]
clust_ids = sorted(list(np.unique(labeled)[1:]))

peak_vals = np.array([np.max(data * (labeled == c)) for c in clust_ids])
clust_ids = [clust_ids[c] for c in (-peak_vals).argsort()] # Sort by descending max value

ijk = []
for c_id, c_val in enumerate(clust_ids):
cluster_mask = labeled == c_val
masked_data = data * cluster_mask

# Get peaks, subpeaks and associated statistics
subpeak_ijk, subpeak_vals = _local_max(masked_data, img.affine,

# Only report peak and, at most, top 3 subpeaks.
n_subpeaks = np.min((len(subpeak_vals), 4))
subpeak_ijk = subpeak_ijk[:n_subpeaks, :]
ijk = np.vstack(ijk)
xyz = nib.affines.apply_affine(img.affine, ijk)
ddict[name]['contrasts']['1']['coords']['x'] = list(xyz[:, 0])
ddict[name]['contrasts']['1']['coords']['y'] = list(xyz[:, 1])
ddict[name]['contrasts']['1']['coords']['z'] = list(xyz[:, 2])

with open(dset_file, 'w') as fo:
json.dump(ddict, fo, sort_keys=True, indent=4)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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