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Development and bugs

Anders Kaestner edited this page Mar 27, 2018 · 2 revisions

Continued development

MuhRec is continuously developing to adapt to new challenges at the neutron imaging beamlines at Paul Scherrer Institut. Unfortunately, it is not only new development but also bug fixing. To fix bug the input from users is important, so I kindly ask you to report problems when the software misbehaves.

For the continued development it also important with feedback regarding improvements of existing and new features. So, if you have any comments that you would like to share I appreciate if you send them to me. I cannot promise that I will implement everything but I will at least consider it.

Intended new features

  1. Flip, and 90$^{\circ}$ rotations.
  2. True rotation of the projections.
  3. Center estimation by reconstruction.
  4. Your suggestions.


  • Center of rotation can not be found for translated projection data.

Known bugs

  • The reconstructor may crash when the number of slices is not a factor of 4.
  • The translated center reconstruction does not reconstruct correctly near the center of rotation. This is especially noticeable when tilt correction is activated
  • Muhrec may crash, if you use the projection slider too much or rapidly.
  • The module selection list in add module is not cleared when a new object file is opened.
  • Zooming and panning in the viewer is incomplete.
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