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Useful Elex patterns. :doc:`Contribute your own <contributing>`.

All examples specify a data file instead of a live or test election date so that all examples can be followed even if you don't have an AP API key. For real election data, replace -d FILENAME in these examples with an election date.

Get results at a specific level

Get only state level results:

elex results --results-level state -d "${VIRTUAL_ENV}/src/elex/tests/data/20160301_super_tuesday.json"
id raceid racetype racetypeid ballotorder candidateid description delegatecount electiondate fipscode first incumbent initialization_data is_ballot_measure last lastupdated level national officeid officename party polid polnum precinctsreporting precinctsreportingpct precinctstotal reportingunitid reportingunitname runoff seatname seatnum statename statepostal test uncontested votecount votepct winner
24547-polid-8639-state-1 24547 Primary R 2 33360   0 2016-03-01   Donald False False False Trump 2016-03-02T20:35:54Z state True P President GOP 8639 27533 2172 0.9995 2173 state-1   False     Massachusetts MA False False 311313 0.493056 True
24547-polid-36679-state-1 24547 Primary R 13 33366   0 2016-03-01   John False False False Kasich 2016-03-02T20:35:54Z state True P President GOP 36679 27528 2172 0.9995 2173 state-1   False     Massachusetts MA False False 113783 0.180209 False

To cut down on load and bandwidth use and speed up loading when you are repeatedly loading results, specify only the level(s) you need to display.

Add timestamp or batch name column to any data command

You can add a timestamp column to track results (or any other data output by elex) with the --with-timestamp flag).

elex elections --with-timestamp -d "${VIRTUAL_ENV}/elex-dev/src/elex/tests/data/00000000_elections.json"
id electiondate liveresults testresults timestamp
2012-03-13 2012-03-13 True False 1460438301
2012-11-06 2012-11-06 True False 1460438301

If you prefer, you can set a batch name. This is useful when executing multiple commands that need a single grouping column.

elex elections --batch-name batch-031 -d "${VIRTUAL_ENV}/elex-dev/src/elex/tests/data/00000000_elections.json"
id electiondate liveresults testresults timestamp
2016-02-23 2016-02-23 True False batch-031
2016-02-27 2016-02-27 True False batch-031

Get local election results

Get only local races:

elex races 03-15-16 --local-only -d "${VIRTUAL_ENV}/src/elex/tests/data/20160301_super_tuesday.json"
id raceid racetype racetypeid description electiondate initialization_data is_ballot_measure lastupdated national officeid officename party seatname seatnum statename statepostal test uncontested
14897 14897 Primary R   2016-03-15 True False 2016-03-18T12:29:42Z True 0 State's Attorney GOP Cook County     IL False True
15329 15329 Primary D   2016-03-15 True False 2016-03-18T12:29:42Z True 0 Recorder of Deeds Dem Cook County     IL False True

Get only local results:

elex results --local-only

Get AP zero count data

AP's set zero count parameter is a special server feature that only makes sense to query live.

elex results 03-15-16 --set-zero-counts
id raceid racetype racetypeid ballotorder candidateid description delegatecount electiondate fipscode first incumbent initialization_data is_ballot_measure last lastupdated level national officeid officename party polid polnum precinctsreporting precinctsreportingpct precinctstotal reportingunitid reportingunitname runoff seatname seatnum statename statepostal test uncontested votecount votepct winner
10673-polid-8639-state-1 10673 Primary R 13 20428   0 2016-03-15   Donald False False False Trump 2016-03-16T21:05:09Z state True P President GOP 8639 14574 0 0.0 5810 state-1   False     Florida FL False False 0 0.0 False

Auto-generate SQL schemas with csvkit

Install csvkit, a handy tool for working with CSVs.

Now build the results schema by using the candidate-reporting-units command.

elex candidate-reporting-units -d "${VIRTUAL_ENV}/src/elex/tests/data/20160301_super_tuesday.json" | csvsql --tables results -i sqlite
2016-04-14 00:51:07,675 (INFO) elex (v2.0.0) : Getting candidate reporting units for election 2016-03-26
CREATE TABLE results (
  racetype VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL,
  racetypeid VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL,
  ballotorder INTEGER NOT NULL,
  candidateid INTEGER NOT NULL,
  description VARCHAR(32),
  delegatecount INTEGER NOT NULL,
  electiondate DATE NOT NULL,
  fipscode VARCHAR(32),
  first VARCHAR(7),
  incumbent BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
  initialization_data BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
  is_ballot_measure BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
  last VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL,
  lastupdated DATETIME NOT NULL,
  level VARCHAR(32),
  national BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
  officeid VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL,
  officename VARCHAR(9) NOT NULL,
  party VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL,
  precinctsreporting INTEGER NOT NULL,
  precinctsreportingpct FLOAT NOT NULL,
  precinctstotal INTEGER NOT NULL,
  reportingunitid VARCHAR(32),
  reportingunitname VARCHAR(32),
  seatname VARCHAR(32),
  seatnum VARCHAR(32),
  statename VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
  statepostal VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL,
  uncontested BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
  votecount INTEGER NOT NULL,
  votepct FLOAT NOT NULL,
  CHECK (incumbent IN (0, 1)),
  CHECK (initialization_data IN (0, 1)),
  CHECK (is_ballot_measure IN (0, 1)),
  CHECK (national IN (0, 1)),
  CHECK (runoff IN (0, 1)),
  CHECK (test IN (0, 1)),
  CHECK (uncontested IN (0, 1)),
  CHECK (winner IN (0, 1))

Insert results with csvkit + sqlite

This is not a wildly efficient way to get results into a database, but it is lightweight.

elex candidate-reporting-units -d "${VIRTUAL_ENV}/src/elex/tests/data/20160301_super_tuesday.json" | csvsql --tables results --db sqlite:///db.sqlite --insert

Filter with jq and upload to S3

This recipe uses the jq json filtering tool to create a national results json data file with a limited set of data fields and the AWS cli tools to upload the filtered json to S3.


.. literalinclude:: example_scripts/
   :language: bash
   :emphasize-lines: 7-28

ELEX_S3_URL must be set to your s3 bucket and path.


  • Get election results in json format with elex
  • Pipe results to jq for filtering
  • Pipe filtered results to gzip to compress
  • Pipe gzipped results to aws s3 cp to send to S3.

Inspect with an ORM using Flask and Peewee

This recipe uses the Flask web framework and the Peewee Python ORM to model, query and update data that elex provides.


  • Elex loader, an NYT project that calls elex to load data into a Postgres database with CSV and the Postgres COPY command.
  • Elex admin, an NYT project that is a simple, web-based admin for creating and editing data to override AP election results, including candidate names, race descriptions, and race calls.


Extra steps:

  • Use the that come with elex-admin to query data.