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Panic Button PWA with Google Maps + Vue.js + Python + SMS


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The coolest and easiest Vue App to track your current position and send it to your trusted contacts through SMS.

Built with love using Firebase (Firestore and Firebase Hosting) and Vonage Communication API's for the SMS capabilities. You have to configure your own secrets for the google cloud functions, firestore and firebase hosting if you decide to deploy it there.

Otherwise you may create the Docker image and run it where you are more confortable!

The Vue side of things!

Install dependencies

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your tests

npm run test

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Google MAPS API Key

Create a new API Key of Google Maps to be able to consume the service, and copy the API Key. Then create a file .env in the root project directory, the content must be like


Configuring Firebase

After you create your project in Firebase you need to enable authentication, aatabase, functions and optionally hosting.

Adding your app to Firebase

  • In your project folder go to Project Configuration -> General tab -> Add an app, you'll be able to specify the name of the app and if you want to use Firebase Hosting.
  • Once created, search for Firebase SDK snippet and select the Configuration radio button
  • Copy the configuration and paste it in ./src/utils/firebase.js


  • Go to Authentication from the sidebar menu
  • Click on the Access Methodstab and enable Google (you can add as many providers as you wish but you will have to configure them separately)
  • Go to Authorized Domains and add the domain name you wish to use


  • Go to Database and click on start to use the service


  • You may do as with previous services to enable it or it will get enabled when using the Firebase CLI


  • You may do as with previous services to enable it or it will get enabled when using the Firebase CLI

Install the Firebase CLI

For detailed install instructions go to:

  • Install the CLI
npm install -g firebase-tools
  • Sign into Google. Run the following command:
firebase login


Deploy the function in Firebase Cloud Functions

The function for this app is in ./functions/

  • CD to the ./functions/ directory
  • Login in Gcloud with the CLI
  • Get the credentials from Nexmo, we need the Api Key, Api Secret and Nexmo Number.
  • Then you need to deploy the function using
gcloud functions deploy send_sms --set-env-vars NEXMO_API_KEY='',NEXMO_API_SECRET='',NEXMO_NUMBER='' --runtime python37 --trigger-http --project [PROJECT_ID]

Deploy the application using Firebase hosting

  • Login the Firebase with the CLI
  • Compile the aplication using the command
npm run build
  • Deploy the application using the CLI
firebase deploy --only hosting

Deploy with Docker

  • Install Docker in your environment
  • Create the Docker image, using
docker build -t <username/repository:tag> .
  • Upload the image to the registry you are using (i.e: Dockerhub)
  • To run the app in your production server you may use the following command: (Remember the port mapping is <HOST_PORT>:<CONTAINER_PORT>. The image configuration of this application exposes the port 80 of the container)
docker run -p 80:80 --name <container_name> <username/repository:tag>

Deploy the Docker image using Kubernetes in GCP (GKE)

A good option to host and run our app is using Google Cloud Platform, in which we can store our Docker images and run the application inside a single VM or using Kubernetes, GKE is very easy to start with and ensures we have scalability and many more resources at hand.

There are a few things we need to set up before deploying our app to GKE. The current description is to be ran locally, but can be run from the Console in GCP without installing the CLI (because is already installed).

Installing gcloud CLI

In the documentation you can find how to install the CLI in other OS . Also make sure to have installed Python 2.7 or greater. Follow the next commands to install the CLI

$ cd /opt
## this is the package with binaries for 64 bits
$ sudo curl -O
$ sudo tar zxvf [ARCHIVE_FILE] google-cloud-sdk
$ sudo ./google-cloud-sdk/
## you may check if is successfully
$ gcloud --version

Now you need to login, and you will be asked for the project to use as default, the list of your projects will be displayed on the console

$ gcloud init

Then it's a good practice to specify the region and zone, if you want to know which zone is better for your project please check the documentation: . In this case I'll be using us-east1-b

$ gcloud config set compute/zone us-east1-b

Install the command tool to manage Kubernetes

$ gcloud components install kubectl

Add the app image to Container Registry

Before pulling or pushing images to Container Registry you need to configure Docker to use gcloud to authenticate requests to Container Registry.

$ gcloud auth configure-docker

Before pushing your newly created image to Container Registry you need to tag your image to be able to be pushed to your project registry.


Now you may push the image to the Registry

 docker push<PROJECT-ID>/<IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG>

Creating the cluster in GKE

Now that you have your image in the Container Registry you may use Kubernetes to run your application. A cluster consists of at least one cluster master machine and multiple worker machines called nodes. Nodes are virtual machines that run the Kubernetes processes. Create your cluster with the following command, it may take a few minutes

$ gcloud container clusters create <CLUSTER_NAME>

To interact with your cluster you need to authenticate with it, using this command

$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials <CLUSTER_NAME>

GKE uses Kubernetes objects to create and manage your cluster's resources. Kubernetes provides the Deployment object for deploying stateless applications like web servers. Run the following command

$ kubectl create deployment <DEPLOYMENT_NAME><PROJECT-ID>/<IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG> --port 80

After deploying the application, you need to expose it to the Internet so that users can access it. --port initializes public port 80 to the Internet and --target-port routes the traffic to port 80 of the application

$ kubectl expose deployment <DEPLOYMENT_NAME> --type LoadBalancer --port 80 --target-port 80

You may inspect the Service running the command

kubectl get service <DEPLOYMENT_NAME>

And you may see the EXTERNAL-IP from which you may access your application.


Panic Button PWA with Google Maps + Vue.js + Python + SMS







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