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4.3.0 What's New

CLINITEC\janderson edited this page Feb 24, 2023 · 42 revisions

Mirth Connect 4.3.0 includes new features such as ... as well as changes, updates, and improvements.

Core Mirth Connect

New Features

Added the Ability for Resource and Channel-Specific Classloaders to Load Child-First or Parent-First

We've added the ability to specify whether resources should load classes "child-first" or "parent-first". Previously, all resource classloaders loaded "parent-first". This meant that when a user attempted to use a class that is already included with Mirth Connect, such as a PostgreSQL driver, the class was loaded from the parent classloader instead of loading the custom version that the user wanted. The user can now achieve the desired behavior using a "child-first" classloader. We have also made "child-first" the default option. (Community Issue)

Resource Parent-First Option

Fixed Defects

The TCP Listener Now Correctly Binds to the Specified Local Address

A correction was made to the TCP Listener to bind to the localhost as entered in the "Local Address - Specific interface" field. Previously, the TCP Listener would bind to all interfaces ( (Community Issue)

Null Pointer Exception When Using Custom Extensions

We fixed a null pointer exception that occurred when using a custom extension that extends the ChannelColumnPlugin abstract class.

Previous Message Shows in Message View When Messages Have Been Filtered Out

We fixed an issue where a message that should have no contents would display the contents from a previously viewed message. (Community Issue)

Prevent Overwriting the File during an Upgrade

We fixed the issue where the file were being overwritten during an upgrade, so any customizations will now be retained. (Community Issue)

The Ports in Use list is empty if any port contains a variable

We fixed the issue where the ports list would error if the channel contained a string variable instead of an integer value. The port's property has been changed to a string to remedy this. We also are passing the ports list through the TemplateReplacer method to render the mapped variables as it context value. (Community Issue)

Security Improvements

Encryption Settings

The default encryption algorithm has been updated from AES to AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding. In addition, before being encrypted, strings will be encoded using UTF-8 instead of the JVM default charset. (Community Issue)

  • If you did not have encryption.algorithm already overridden in, then no action is required. Any newly encrypted data will just use the new default algorithm, and old encrypted data will still be able to be decrypted (using the old default algorithm).

  • If you had encryption.algorithm overridden and set to AES, then you should consider updating that, for example to AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding or AES/GCM/NoPadding. Mirth Connect will warn you on startup with this message as well. Support for AES (without any mode/padding specified) will be removed in a future version.

Library Updates

Mirth-Crypto Library Now Included in Mirth Connect Core Codebase

The mirth-crypto library is now included in the open-source Mirth Connect core codebase to allow users to distribute Connect. (Community Issue)

Functional Changes

Updated Default Supported TLS Cipher Suites

In 4.3.0, the following weak cipher suites have been disabled by default:


For more information on TLS Cipher Suite changes see the 4.3.0 Upgrade Guide.

Commercial Extension Improvements

Docker Images

Updated Deprecated Base Images

The OpenJDK and AdoptOpenJDK base images have been deprecated, so the official Mirth Connect Docker images that were previously built with those base images are now built with the eclipse-temurin image.

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