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Adding lines geodata

Maxim Dubinin edited this page Mar 29, 2015 · 9 revisions

Go to Overpass turbo.

Zoom to city extent that encompasses the whole subway system.

Run Overpass query by copying and pasting query below and presssing Start:

  <query type="relation">
    <has-kv k="route" v="subway"/>
    <has-kv modv="not" k="proposed" v="yes"/>
    <bbox-query {{bbox}}/>
    <recurse type="down"/>
  <print mode="body"/>

Export result as GeoJSON.

Open GeoJSON in QGIS. When it asks what to add, choose lines (not points).

Save new layer as ESRI Shapefile.

If needed, start editing geometries to:

  • remove extra lines
  • convert to single line if the routes are shared (keep double lines if they are not)

If needed, edit table of attributes to:

  • remove all fields except two
  • populate field NAME with line name, example: Сокольническая линия. In fact this is not used by the system and provided only for visualization purposes.
  • populate color field with hex for color, example: #ed1b35


Save just edited layer as lines.geojson in a particular folder.

##Update First edit line names endings in lines.csv (if needed! Like in msk. If don't - skip those). Than OGR SQL JOIN them with GeoJSON version to add and populate colors field.

sed -i 's/кая/кая линия/g' lines.csv
sed -i 's/вая/вая линия/g' lines.csv

ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON lines.geojson lines2.geojson -nlt "LINESTRING" -sql "
    SELECT AS name,l.color AS color FROM OGRGeoJSON n
      LEFT JOIN '/home/sim/work/metro4all/repo/data/msk/lines.csv'.lines l
        ON = l.name_ru

in Windows:

ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON lines.geojson lines2.geojson -nlt "LINESTRING" -sql "SELECT AS name,l.color AS color FROM OGRGeoJSON n LEFT JOIN 'lines.csv'.lines l ON = l.name_ru WHERE OGR_GEOMETRY='LINESTRING'"