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Releases: nexy7574/nio-bot


26 Jun 16:41
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Get your bug fixes and improvements here!

I could just do what every app on your device's app store does and say "lots of bug fixes and improvements in this update", but I don't like that, so here's a list of every change (since 1.1.0, including postfix releases):

New things

  • Make updating read receipts optional by @ESHARK22 in #11
  • Properly implement DM room creation & retrieval by @fvjosef21 in #15
  • Add a changelog file
  • Versioned documentation
  • Automatic dependency updates


  • NioBot._get_id will log what it could not get an ID from, for easier debugging
  • Allow overwriting the content type in send_message


  • Fixed a typo in the Guides by @Moriango in #18
  • Fix the example in the docs. by @jodhus in #21
  • Fixed the CLI not working due to a typo


  • force_write is going to be removed in Attachments, as it was never implemented, and unnecessary.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.1.1


16 Apr 11:21
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This is merely a small patch to fix a misnamed variable in the CLI for get_access_token. No other changes.

Full Changelog: 1.1.0.post2...1.1.0.post3


08 Feb 15:58
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What's Changed

  • Fixed DM rooms, including getting & creating them. Thanks to for pointing this out.
  • Make updating read receipts optional by @ESHARK22 in #11
  • Update aiofiles requirement from ~=23.1 to ~=23.2 by @dependabot in #12

Notice about post2

The previous version, 1.1.0.post1, was yanked from PyPi and deleted from GitHub, as the DM room fix in that version had more underlying bugs that needed to be patched, as such making the fixes useless.

post2 is exactly the same as post1, except the DM room fix was actually properly applied.

Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.1.0.post2


30 Jan 18:30
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Finally! The long awaited v1.1.0 release!
(I was waiting for matrix-nio to support Python 3.12, which took a lot longer than expected)

What's Changed

(since v1.0.2)

  • Fixed pypi link by @ESHARK22 in #2
  • Replaced niobot with nio-bot for pip install guide by @ESHARK22 in #3
  • Prioritise event_id over room_id for the _get_id function by @ESHARK22 in #4
  • Add Context.invoking_prefix by @Matthieu-LAURENT39 in #8
  • Type hinting and code refactoring by @Matthieu-LAURENT39 in #6
  • Change license to LGPL by @nexy7574 in #9
  • Support for python 3.12
  • Added is_ready asyncio.Event to the NioBot class, which fires one time
  • Added additional exception types
  • DM Rooms properly implemented
  • Added command-level checks
  • Many, many quality of life improvements

New Contributors

Other contributions

  • Massive thanks to for being a repeated financial backer on KoFi!

Full Changelog: v1.0.2...1.1.0


03 Nov 22:17
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This release simply brings the README up to date for the stable version on PyPi. There is nothing new in this release.

If you're wanting newer features, install the latest pre-release: pip install --pre --upgrade nio-bot.


16 Oct 13:59
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v1.1.0b1.post1 Pre-release

Identical to v1.1.0b1 except with code for the NioBot.unmount_module function (it was previously an empty method that I literally forgot to add code to)


16 Oct 13:46
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v1.1.0b1 Pre-release

Major Changes

You should look out for the following things when updating:

  • Converters have been completely rewritten - see the docs
  • The library has (courtesy of @Matthieu-LAURENT39) had a typing rewrite, so you may notice some typing issues with some older code due to changed/added type signatures

Still no 3.12 support!

As aiohttp (and matrix-nio) do not support python 3.12 yet, neither do we. You will receive a build error trying to build from source on python3.12, and wheels are not supplied for 3.12 on PyPi.


  • Added some tests to the library
  • Rewrote how argument parsers work (and made them extensible, see docs)
  • Updated matrix-nio to 0.22.0
  • Added the ability to control whether the client's own messages are ignored - this means you can now use commands when running a self bot (running niobot under your own account instead of a dedicated bot account)
  • Added support for typing.Annotated[x, y] argument types
  • Removed Module.log property
  • Deprecated Module.client

Full Changelog: 1.1.0a3...1.1.0b1


06 Oct 21:11
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v1.1.0a3 Pre-release

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.1.0a2...1.1.0a3

As matrix-nio 0.22.0 has been released, this will be the last 1.1.0 alpha. From now, only a few new things built on nio will be added, things tested with the new version, in following betas. Once all is tested, and python 3.12 support is released by matrix-nio (aiohttp), then 1.1.0 will be released.

As of now, neither nio-bot, nor the libraries supporting it (matrix-nio, which in turn depends on aiohttp) support python 3.12. As such, you will not find them supported on, and the wheels below will not work with anything above python 3.11.
Support is, as listed, python 3.9 to 3.11.


21 Aug 20:33
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v1.1.0a2 Pre-release

The second beta pre-release for v1.1.0.

Key changes:

  • Support for python 3.9 and 3.10
  • Fixed a bug where disabled commands could crash the command parser
  • cleaned up a couple documentation issues
  • Removed the examples on github (will be re-added later)
  • Fix pypi link by @ESHARK22 in #2
  • Replaced niobot with nio-bot for pip install guide by @ESHARK22 in #3

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.1.0a1...1.1.0a2


31 Jul 17:58
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v1.1.0a1 Pre-release

Alpha pre-release for v1.1.0.

Key changes:

  • Changed supported matrix-nio versions to <0.22.0 (from 0.20.*)
  • Performance logging for attachments (will be removed in final release)
  • Added documentation for events
  • Added which function to
  • Added hacky "DM Room" support
  • Added easier ways to customise the client help command
  • Command arguments now properly raise the correct errors
  • Added more specific error classes
  • Added checks & a check framework
  • Added more parsers (event_parser, room_parser)
  • force_await now just awaits coroutines rather than casting them to a task

Full Changelog: v1.0.2...1.1.0a1