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README for Homework 6 - UM
By Nick Flores & Daniel Rodrigues

We have received help from the following:

Everything has been correctly implemented.

        In our design we initially planned to complete the assignment
        in 3 distinct modules, but found we really only needed 2.
        One for our UM main (um.c) and one for memory segmentation
        (segments.c). Our third was going to be a module for the UM's
        I/O but we realized that wasn't necessary after understanding
        the assignment layout a bit more.
        We also planned to use Hanson Sets but ended up only using


        [ UM ]
      [ Segments ]

        The architecture of our system (rougly shown in the digram above)
        consists of the UM (main) and the Segments (memory) modules. Segments
        is seen here as a child of the UM module.


          -This is our main module which houses most of the UM's heavy
          -It reads in the binary file of instructions,
           loads the program, and executes the instruction cycle.
          -It also contains the implementation for each instruction
           opcode as well as the array of registers that is used to
           execute the relative instructions.
          -This module also creates an instance of our memory struct
           that is used across all functions/modules.
          -um.c's main secret is its array of registers, which are only
           modified in this module but whose values are passed to segments.
          -um.c is segments.c's parent, so only it has knowledge of the

          -This is our main memory module, which houses functions to
           manipulate and touch the segments in memory.
          -This module is used in order to load, store, map, unmap,
           and replace segments of memory.
          -segments.c makes excellent use of Hanson's Sequences'
           to represent the segments in memory, which are sequences
           of sequences.
          -The secret of segments.c is hiding how our UM deals with
           the segmented memory.
          -This is the child module of um.c.

Execution Time:
        We ran in approximately 4 seconds, which
        executes 8.5 million instructions, so basic arithmatic
        tells us that a 50 million instruction program would
        take about 24 seconds.

UM Unit Tests:
                This test takes in an input and outputs that value
                immediately. It then loads 2 values into 2 separate
                registers, calculates the sum, and outputs the result,
                which should be 72 (or the character 'H').

                This test loads values into registers and then tests
                the load progam function. If load program is nonfunctional
                the test will halt without outputting anything, otherwise
                it will output the character 'H'.
                This test loads values into registers and then tests the
                conditional move function. If functional it will outpu
                'H', otherwise it will output nothing (or the NULL char).
                This tests store and load for functionality. It maps
                a new segment, stores a value in that segment, retrieves
                that valut and outputs it. A correct UM will output 'H'
                otherwise nothing.
                This tests our arithmatic functions (add, mulitply,
                divide, and nand).
                This tests verbose mapping by loading values, maps
                5 new segments, stores and loads from those segments,
                then unmaps them and repeats after unmapping. This is
                to make sure no new segments are created and our UM
                reuses umapped segments. A correct UM will produce 
                2 'H' characters for this test.

        Analyzing: 3 hours

        Designing: 5 hours

        Solving: 15+ hours


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