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Releases: nforgeio/neonKUBE


12 Apr 16:44
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v0.11.0-beta.3 Pre-release


Component Version
NEONKUBE 0.11.0-beta.3

This release is not a production ready and is intended to introduce new features and fixes. This release is suitable for testing purposes but be advised that prerelease features may see breaking changes in future releases or be removed completely.

Release Taxonomy
Release Type Usage Description
ALPHA private testing Used internally and potentially provided to specific users for testing purposes
BETA public testing Early release with no guarantee that we won't make breaking changes before release
PREVIEW public testing More stable early release. Release breaking changes are less likely than BETA
RC release candidate Nearly ready for a stable production release
STABLE production Ready for production

Release documentation:


  • bug NeonDESKTOP cluster not stablizing due to terminated pods
  • neon-cluster-operator now GCs terminated pods after 12 hours
  • NeponDESKTOP cluster now allows SSH password login
  • Reverted: ClusterDefinition.Kubelet --> Kubernetes
  • Upgrade: .NET SDK 8.0.204


The installers are included in the release as assets below. Here are the SHAs for the installer files if you wish to validate the downloads:

neon-desktop installer (includes neon-cli):
sha256: 11df98837fb1e961cb227bc5699bf95fbb0ccf2a24a4db0b64982ca6b8cca215

neon-cli installer:
sha256: 24953f2213fa7221fc3b26e97bf6144e022de6900be59f51d8129e26911587d1


05 Apr 02:35
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v0.11.0-beta.2 Pre-release


Component Version
NEONKUBE $<neonkube.version>
KUBERNETES $<kubernetes.version>

This release is not a production ready and is intended to introduce new features and fixes.
This release is suitable for testing purposes but be advised that prerelease features may see
breaking changes in future releases or be removed completely.

The NeonDESKTOP cluster is having trouble stabilizing due to ephemeral storage constraints.
We'll have a look at this for the next release.

Release Taxonomy
Release Type Usage Description
ALPHA private testing Used internally and potentially provided to specific users for testing purposes
BETA public testing Early release with no guarantee that we won't make breaking changes before release
PREVIEW public testing More stable early release. Release breaking changes are less likely than BETA
RC release candidate Nearly ready for a stable production release
STABLE production Ready for production

Release documentation:


  • [bug] #437 On-premise cluster/node identification
  • [bug] #1890 neon-cli: ArgumentOutOfRangeException in Windows Terminal
  • [bug] desktop cluster setup: Failure adding virtual Ethernet switch
  • [bug] #1896 neon cluster delete --force doesn't delete hyper-v cluster in non-admin mode
  • [bug] NeonDESKTOP wizard window need to be vertically centered
  • [bug] NeonDESKTOP setup configures cluster-id early so cluster delete will work
  • [bug] NeonDESKTOP setup cancellation improvements
  • [bug] NeonDESKTOP cluster TLS certificate renewal needs to happen in a setup step action
  • [bug] NeonDESKTOP SSH password set to sysadmin0000
  • NeonDesktop now requires Windows machine with 32GiB RAM for better stablility. We intended to
    include this change in v0.11.0-beta.1, but it didn't make it in.
  • Upgrade: Podman v3.4.2 --> v5.0.0
  • HypervisorOptions.NamePrefix: Now uses "[none]" to indicate that no prefix is to be added to on-premise cluster VMs.
  • Increased cluster deployment operation timeout from 10 --> 15 minutes
  • Increase lower bound of node host OS ephemeral IPv4 port range: [10000...65535] --> [16000...65535]


20 Mar 19:38
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v0.11.0-beta.1 Pre-release
Component Version
NEONKUBE 0.11.0-beta.1

This release is not a production ready and is intended to introduce new features and fixes. This release is suitable for testing purposes but be advised that prerelease features may see breaking changes in future releases or be removed completely.

Release documentation:


The installers are included in the release as assets below. Here are the SHAs for the installer files if you wish to validate the downloads:

neon-desktop installer (includes neon-cli):
sha256: e4e5bfd431971bc1dba57acadc80730b475c1ffbbd603f9cd4d8778baaa05033

neon-cli installer:
sha256: 4ae4fe864d7627eb1404ea64737f75393b74a93b59bfb74162c09d7cb3461024


19 Dec 18:24
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v0.10.0-beta.5 Pre-release


Component Version
NEONKUBE 0.10.0-beta.5

This release is not a production ready and is intended to introduce new features and fixes. This release is suitable for testing purposes but be advised that prerelease features may see breaking changes in future releases or be removed completely.


We've upgraded our custom services to .NET 8.0 which for lower memory utilization.


The installers are included in the release as assets below. Here are the SHAs for the installer files if you wish to validate the downloads:

neon-desktop installer (includes neon-cli):
sha256: 0eddbfd10a2d4d1bf40d5c45eece6f99abff78233b4a7b2422526a47608118b1

neon-cli installer:
sha256: 428436d76e5f7da35f173842753a2d2e71c3e022ebb86d67ea5c2cc5a3ac8833


05 Dec 02:57
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v0.10.0-beta.4 Pre-release


Component Version
NEONKUBE 0.10.0-beta.4

This release is not a production ready and is intended to introduce new features and fixes. This release is suitable for testing purposes but be advised that prerelease features may see breaking changes in future releases or be removed completely.

Release Taxonomy:

Release Type Usage Description
ALPHA private testing Used internally for testing and potentially provided to specific users for testing purposes
BETA public testing Early release with no guarantee that we won't make breaking changes before release
PREVIEW public testing More stable early release. Future breaking changes are much less likely than BETA
RC release candidate Nearly ready for a stable production release
STABLE production Ready for production


This is a fully functional NEONKUBE release that is based on KUBERNETES v1.24 which is
no longer supported. We're in the process upgrading to KUBERNETES v1.29 which is scheduled
to be released early December 2023. We're also planning on switching from the Calico
CNI to Cilium for better performance due to their eBPF
network proxy implementation as well as their service mesh.

This is categorized as a BETA release because we're expecting the Kubernetes and Cilium
changes to introduce breaking changes.


The installers are included in the release as assets below. Here are the SHAs for the installer files if you wish to validate the downloads:

neon-desktop installer (includes neon-cli):
sha256: df8b3534071e011c58e70bf8071ff25305a2c2e5f42b94848c6efeed5f3fb3cd

neon-cli installer:
sha256: 936e214891ae733e8cb1879b3d8a2509111efc3fb08e3fed46a2579d75fd7293