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Mike Holt edited this page Oct 23, 2018 · 3 revisions

Scale has the ability to export and import certain configuration settings related to executing workflows such as errors, job types, and recipe types. This feature allows a user to build a recipe or job in one installation for testing purposes and then easily migrate it to another installation for production use without having to reconstruct everything using the web application user interface.

Operating this way has a number of advantages. It permits trying things out without affecting the production system. It saves time since wiring up all the recipe connections can be time consuming. It avoids potential errors that could be introduced by manually recreating a fully tested and working configuration. It helps with upgrades since the import process has the ability to handle some types of changes automatically for the user. The import process is different than a traditional database dump/restore in that it includes a lot of logic to ensure that a job type or recipe type cannot be changed in a way that would invalidate its connections/dependencies. It also keeps track of past versions and snapshots the definitions/interfaces that were used at the time each execution took place.

Future versions of the import system may assist the user with additional types of changes by using a wizard-based guide, prompting the user for how certain conflicts should be resolved.

Example configuration export:

   "version": "1.0",
   "errors": [
         "name": "my-error",
         "title": "My Error",
         "description": "My error description.",
         "category": "DATA"
   "job_types": [
         "name": "my-job",
         "version": "1.0.0",
         "title": "My Job",
         "description": "My job description.",
         "category": "example",
         "author_name": null,
         "author_url": null,
         "is_operational": true,
         "icon_code": "f013",
         "docker_privileged": false,
         "docker_image": null,
         "priority": 100,
         "timeout": 1800,
         "max_tries": 3,
         "cpus_required": 1.0,
         "mem_required": 64.0,
         "shared_mem_required": 0.0,
         "disk_out_const_required": 64.0,
         "disk_out_mult_required": 0.0,
         "interface": {
            "version": "1.1",
            "command": "my-cmd",
            "command_arguments": "${input_file} ${job_output_dir}",
            "input_data": [
                  "media_types": [
                  "required": true,
                  "partial": false,
                  "type": "file",
                  "name": "input_file"
            "output_data": [
                  "media_type": "image/jpg",
                  "required": true,
                  "type": "file",
                  "name": "my-output-file"
            "shared_resources": []
         "error_mapping": {
            "version": "1.0",
            "exit_codes": {
               "1": "my-error"
         "trigger_rule": {
            "type": "PARSE",
            "name": "my-rule",
            "configuration": {
               "version": "1.0",
               "data": {
                  "workspace_name": "products",
                  "input_data_name": "input_file"
               "condition": {
                  "media_type": "image/png",
                  "data_types": []
   "recipe_types": [
         "name": "my-recipe",
         "version": "1.0.0",
         "title": "My Recipe",
         "description": "My recipe description.",
         "definition": {
            "version": "1.0",
            "input_data": [
                  "media_types": [
                  "required": true,
                  "type": "file",
                  "name": "input_file"
            "jobs": []
         "trigger_rule": {
            "type": "PARSE",
            "name": "my-rule",
            "configuration": {
               "version": "1.0",
               "data": {
                  "workspace_name": "products",
                  "input_data_name": "input_file"
               "condition": {
                  "media_type": "image/png",
                  "data_types": []

The errors field is used to define the meaning of any exit codes that a job type may produce at the end of its execution when it detects a known problem. The job_types field lists all of the types of jobs to import, which is the smallest unit of work in Scale. A job type includes basic attributes, as well as all the associated error mappings, command line interface, and trigger rule that kicks off the job as data arrives. The recipe_types field lists all of the types of recipes to import, which is used to build a processing workflow composed of job types to execute under different conditions. Recipes types support sequential and/or parallel processing constructs and therefore can trigger processing as data arrives or other jobs generate products upon completion. Continue reading to see all of the options for an exported configuration.

Import/Export Configuration Specification Version 1.0

A valid exported configuration is a JSON document with the following structure:

   "version": "1.0",
   "errors": [
   "job_types": [
   "recipe_types": [


Type: String

The version is an optional string value that defines the version of the configuration sent.


Type: Array

The errors field is optional and contains JSON objects that define attributes required to import a new error or edit an existing error identified by the name attribute.


Type: Array

The job_types field is optional and contains JSON objects that define attributes required to import a new job type or edit an existing job type identified by the combination of the name and version attributes.


Type: Array

The recipe_types field is optional and contains JSON objects that define attributes required to import a new recipe type or edit an existing recipe type identified by the combination of the name and version attributes.
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