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feat: template (#37)
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* feat: add template function in domUtil

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dotaitch committed Nov 29, 2019
1 parent 2484771 commit ab3e3d1
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351 changes: 351 additions & 0 deletions domUtil/template.js
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
* @fileoverview Convert text by binding expressions with context.
* @author NHN FE Development Lab <>

'use strict';

var inArray = require('../array/inArray');
var forEach = require('../collection/forEach');
var isArray = require('../type/isArray');
var isString = require('../type/isString');
var extend = require('../object/extend');

var EXPRESSION_REGEXP = /{{\s?(\/?[a-zA-Z0-9_.@[\] ]+)\s?}}/g;
var BRACKET_REGEXP = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_@]+)\[([a-zA-Z0-9_@]+)\]$/;
var NUMBER_REGEXP = /^-?\d+\.?\d*$/;


'if': handleIf,
'each': handleEach,
'with': handleWith

* Find value in the context by an expression.
* @param {string} exp - an expression
* @param {object} context - context
* @returns {*}
* @private
function getValueFromContext(exp, context) {
var bracketExps;
var value = context[exp];

if (exp === 'true') {
value = true;
} else if (exp === 'false') {
value = false;
} else if (BRACKET_REGEXP.test(exp)) {
bracketExps = exp.split(BRACKET_REGEXP);
value = getValueFromContext(bracketExps[1], context)[getValueFromContext(bracketExps[2], context)];
} else if (NUMBER_REGEXP.test(exp)) {
value = parseFloat(exp);

return value;

* Extract elseif and else expressions.
* @param {Array.<string>} ifExps - args of if expression
* @param {Array.<string>} sourcesInsideBlock - sources inside if block
* @returns {object} - exps: expressions of if, elseif, and else / sourcesInsideIf: sources inside if, elseif, and else block.
* @private
function extractElseif(ifExps, sourcesInsideBlock) {
var exps = [ifExps];
var sourcesInsideIf = [];

var start = 0;
var i, len, source;

for (i = 0, len = sourcesInsideBlock.length; i < len; i += 1) {
source = sourcesInsideBlock[i];

if (source.indexOf('elseif') > -1 || source === 'else') {
exps.push(source === 'else' ? ['true'] : source.split(' ').slice(1));
sourcesInsideIf.push(sourcesInsideBlock.slice(start, i));
start = i + 1;

return {
exps: exps,
sourcesInsideIf: sourcesInsideIf

* Helper function for "if".
* @param {Array.<string>} exps - array of expressions split by spaces
* @param {Array.<string>} sourcesInsideBlock - array of sources inside the if block
* @param {object} context - context
* @returns {string}
* @private
function handleIf(exps, sourcesInsideBlock, context) {
var analyzed = extractElseif(exps, sourcesInsideBlock);
var result = false;
var compiledSource = '';

forEach(analyzed.exps, function(exp, index) {
result = handleExpression(exp, context);
if (result) {
compiledSource = compile(analyzed.sourcesInsideIf[index], context);

return !result;

return compiledSource;

* Helper function for "each".
* @param {Array.<string>} exps - array of expressions split by spaces
* @param {Array.<string>} sourcesInsideBlock - array of sources inside the each block
* @param {object} context - context
* @returns {string}
* @private
function handleEach(exps, sourcesInsideBlock, context) {
var collection = handleExpression(exps, context);
var additionalKey = isArray(collection) ? '@index' : '@key';
var additionalContext = {};
var result = '';

forEach(collection, function(item, key) {
additionalContext[additionalKey] = key;
additionalContext['@this'] = item;
extend(additionalContext, context);

result += compile(sourcesInsideBlock.slice(), additionalContext);

return result;

* Helper function for "with ... as"
* @param {Array.<string>} exps - array of expressions split by spaces
* @param {Array.<string>} sourcesInsideBlock - array of sources inside the with block
* @param {object} context - context
* @returns {string}
* @private
function handleWith(exps, sourcesInsideBlock, context) {
var asIndex = inArray('as', exps);
var alias = exps[asIndex + 1];
var result = handleExpression(exps.slice(0, asIndex), context);

var additionalContext = {};
additionalContext[alias] = result;

return compile(sourcesInsideBlock, extend(additionalContext, context)) || '';

* Extract sources inside block in place.
* @param {Array.<string>} sources - array of sources
* @param {number} start - index of start block
* @param {number} end - index of end block
* @returns {Array.<string>}
* @private
function extractSourcesInsideBlock(sources, start, end) {
var sourcesInsideBlock = sources.splice(start + 1, end - start);

return sourcesInsideBlock;

* Concatenate the strings between previous and next of the base string in place.
* @param {Array.<string>} sources - array of sources
* @param {number} index - index of base string
* @private
function concatPrevAndNextString(source, index) {
var start = Math.max(index - 1, 0);
var end = Math.min(index + 1, source.length - 1);
var deletedCount = end - start + 1;
var result = source.splice(start, deletedCount).join('');

if (deletedCount < 3) {
source.splice(start, 0, '', result);
} else {
source.splice(start, 0, result);

* Handle block helper function
* @param {string} helperKeyword - helper keyword (ex. if, each, with)
* @param {Array.<string>} sourcesToEnd - array of sources after the starting block
* @param {object} context - context
* @returns {Array.<string>}
* @private
function handleBlockHelper(helperKeyword, sourcesToEnd, context) {
var executeBlockHelper = BLOCK_HELPERS[helperKeyword];
var startBlockIndices = [];
var helperCount = 0;
var index = 0;
var expression = sourcesToEnd[index];
var startBlockIndex;

do {
if (expression.indexOf(helperKeyword) === 0) {
helperCount += 1;
} else if (expression.indexOf('/' + helperKeyword) === 0) {
helperCount -= 1;
startBlockIndex = startBlockIndices.pop();

sourcesToEnd[startBlockIndex] = executeBlockHelper(
sourcesToEnd[startBlockIndex].split(' ').slice(1),
extractSourcesInsideBlock(sourcesToEnd, startBlockIndex, index),
concatPrevAndNextString(sourcesToEnd, startBlockIndex);
index = startBlockIndex - EXPRESSION_INTERVAL;

expression = sourcesToEnd[index];
} while (helperCount && isString(expression));

if (helperCount) {
throw Error(helperKeyword + ' needs {{/' + helperKeyword + '}} expression.');

return sourcesToEnd;

* Helper function for "custom helper".
* If helper is not a function, return helper itself.
* @param {Array.<string>} exps - array of expressions split by spaces (first element: helper)
* @param {object} context - context
* @returns {string}
* @private
function handleExpression(exps, context) {
var result = getValueFromContext(exps[0], context);

if (result instanceof Function) {
return executeFunction(result, exps.slice(1), context);

return result;

* Execute a helper function.
* @param {Function} helper - helper function
* @param {Array.<string>} argExps - expressions of arguments
* @param {object} context - context
* @returns {string} - result of executing the function with arguments
* @private
function executeFunction(helper, argExps, context) {
var args = [];
forEach(argExps, function(exp) {
args.push(getValueFromContext(exp, context));

return helper.apply(null, args);

* Get a result of compiling an expression with the context.
* @param {Array.<string>} sources - array of sources split by regexp of expression.
* @param {object} context - context
* @returns {Array.<string>} - array of sources that bind with its context
* @private
function compile(sources, context) {
var index = 1;
var expression = sources[index];
var exps, firstExp, result;

while (isString(expression)) {
exps = expression.split(' ');
firstExp = exps[0];

if (BLOCK_HELPERS[firstExp]) {
result = handleBlockHelper(firstExp, sources.splice(index, sources.length - index), context);
sources = sources.concat(result);
} else {
sources[index] = handleExpression(exps, context);

expression = sources[index];

return sources.join('');

* Convert text by binding expressions with context.
* <br>
* If expression exists in the context, it will be replaced.
* ex) '{{title}}' with context {title: 'Hello!'} is converted to 'Hello!'.
* <br>
* If replaced expression is a function, next expressions will be arguments of the function.
* ex) '{{add 1 2}}' with context {add: function(a, b) {return a + b;}} is converted to '3'.
* <br>
* It has 3 predefined block helpers '{{helper ...}} ... {{/helper}}': 'if', 'each', 'with ... as ...'.
* 1) 'if' evaluates conditional statements. It can use with 'elseif' and 'else'.
* 2) 'each' iterates an array or object. It provides '@index'(array), '@key'(object), and '@this'(current element).
* 3) 'with ... as ...' provides an alias.
* @param {string} text - text with expressions
* @param {object} context - context
* @returns {string} - text that bind with its context
* @memberof module:domUtil
* @example
* var template = require('tui-code-snippet/domUtil/template');
* var source =
* '<h1>'
* + '{{if isValidNumber title}}'
* + '{{title}}th'
* + '{{elseif isValidDate title}}'
* + 'Date: {{title}}'
* + '{{/if}}'
* + '</h1>'
* + '{{each list}}'
* + '{{with addOne @index as idx}}'
* + '<p>{{idx}}: {{@this}}</p>'
* + '{{/with}}'
* + '{{/each}}';
* var context = {
* isValidDate: function(text) {
* return /^\d{4}-(0|1)\d-(0|1|2|3)\d$/.test(text);
* },
* isValidNumber: function(text) {
* return /^\d+$/.test(text);
* }
* title: '2019-11-25',
* list: ['Clean the room', 'Wash the dishes'],
* addOne: function(num) {
* return num + 1;
* }
* };
* var result = template(source, context);
* console.log(result); // <h1>Date: 2019-11-25</h1><p>1: Clean the room</p><p>2: Wash the dishes</p>
function template(text, context) {
text = text.replace(/\n\s*/g, '');

return compile(text.split(EXPRESSION_REGEXP), context);

module.exports = template;
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions index.js
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