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nical edited this page Dec 12, 2010 · 4 revisions

C++ Style manual for the project

How to read this document

each point will be adressed in the following form:

  • Guideline instruction

Motivations of the instruction

General considerations

  • Code, comments, commit messages ... everything in English please.
  • These rules are meants to maintain cohesion and facilitate readability and integration in the project. They can be brocken if there is a good reason for it. In doubt you can contact Nicolas Silva (
  • Always privilegiate object-oriented design and implementation.
  • Try to limitate dependencies by not relying on other external libraries than boost and the c++ standard library.
  • Kiwi is meant to be cross-platfrorm. Do not rely on non cross-platform dependencies.
  • Kiwi is free. Beware of the License when adding content to the library.

Naming conventions

  • Namespaces names should be all lower case
namespace kiwi
namespace core

Common practice.

  • All classes should be in a namespace nested inside kiwi's namespace. Each subproject should have it's own namespace.

Avoid eventual name collisions and separate each sub-project.

  • Class names must be mixed case starting with upper case letter.
class Node ...
class AbstractArrayContainer ...

Common practice.

  • Member functions names must be mixed case starting with lowercase letter.
kiwi::uint32_t getChar();
bool connect(...);

Common practice.

  • Function/method parameters must be mixed case starting with lower case letter.
void add( kiwi::core::Node* toAdd);

Common practice.

  • Protected or private member varaible names must be mixed case starting with an underscore '_' followed by a lower case letter.
Container* _linkedContainer;
kiwi::Point<float, 2> _position;

Common practice, makes it easy to differentiate member varibles from parameters.

  • Constants and enumerated values must be upper case with underscores to separate words.
// within class declaration

Common practice. Constants should not be declared outside classes, so that they remain within the classes' namespace.