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Type-safe error handling for Python.


pip install errs


The @errs decorator marks any function or method that raises an Exception. Rather than handling the Exception explicitly, we collect the result of the function and then check whether an error occurred.

This leads to code that is more explicit about error handling as well as resilient to the raising of unforeseen exceptions. This style is similar to error handling in Go.

Additionally, all exceptions wrapped by @errs will be logged to the default Python logger on the error level. This provides a powerful abstraction where runtime behaviors are logged and separated from current application state.

from errs import errs

def raises(): #type: () -> int
    raise Exception('this will get logged')
    return 0

def check_error(): #type: () -> None
    out, err = raises()
    print('Error: {err}'.format(err.check()))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    check_error() #prints Error: True


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.