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This module can import or require Svelte files, node modules and local files into Svelte files.

It properly puts the imports within Svelte's script tag and keeps the imports organized.

Use the command dialog or the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+1. You can also use Ctrl+Shift+2 to import/require and insert the reference at the current cursor position.

Require Example

For destructuring import use ctrl+shift+3. First select module, then select one or more export properties.

Destructuring Example


  • Require core modules, dependencies / devDependencies or local files.
  • New requires will be added to the end of the require block in top of file.
  • The style (import vs require) will be auto-detected one a per-file level. It will ask for the first dependency.
  • Typical naming substitutions (for example, lodash will be named _ and jQuery will be $).
  • If the import already exists, it will not add a duplicate.


This module is a fork from tgreen7's Node Require which is a fork of Bitkompagniet Node Require, which was itself a fork of Quick Require. The typical namings were taken from NodeRequirer for Sublime Text.


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