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Nico Kimmel edited this page Apr 18, 2022 · 6 revisions

Who is this addon for?

The target group of this addon are people who do raids and create setups for each boss. If you just need some setups here and there you probably should look into Dressing Room or Alpha Gear.

How to open the window?

You have to type /wizard or bind a hotkey. If you open it on one scene (e.g. your inventory) it will remember the state and position.

How does the addon track bosses?

It uses the BOSS_CHANGE_EVENT which gets triggered when the boss bar shows up. That’s why you have to be very close to some bosses (e.g. Ash Titan in RG). In some trials I use coordinates to load setups before the boss spawns (e.g. Factotum in HoF or first boss MoL).

Why does it not load my setups anymore?

Check if you have a boss selected via the "Modify" dialog. Since update 1.8 setups are more flexible and you have to select a boss for each setup.

How to withdraw from/deposit to bank?

Just open the WW window and bank at the same time and you will see small chest icons. Tooltip will tell you what to do.

How do I save setups?

There is a save button on the right side of every setup. But you can also save things individually when pressing the buttons on the right side. Look at the ?-Tooltip on the bottom right. Setups are only saved to disk when reloading UI or logging off. Tipp: Enter /reloadui after saving your setups.

How do the substitute setups work?

Those setups will be loaded when having no boss/trash setup saved in a supported zone. If you don't want to use that feature just leave them empty. There is a toggle in the settings to enable them for open world and dungeons as well, they might not work 100% there. Usually it's the newer the content the better it works.

What does the prebuff feature do?

You can click on the little icon on the bottom menu of the Wizard's GUI to open the prebuff dialog. There you can drag and drop skills onto the prebuff bars. If toggle is checked WW will keep the spells on your bars until you press that same hotkey again. Non-toggle spells will swap back once you press the spell. Normal spells need ~500ms delay, channeled abilities might need more. Acceleration for example needs 1500ms delay. You'll have to experiment a bit to find out what works best for you. Bars with more than one spell will automatically switch to toggle.

It does not respec my CP?

Nope. It does only change slottables and I probably won't change this. You got plenty of CP with the CP 2.0 system.

Are there still hotkeys to swap manually?

Yes. ESC > Controls > Addon Keybindings

How does the custom lua feature work?

This code is executed as soon as the setup is loaded. You can put just about anything in there. Here are some handy code snippets: Code Snippets

Can you implement feature XY?

I get a lot of feature request every day and most of them are very specific. But I only want to implement features that are useful for everyone. So if you think that your idea could fit into the addon, do not hesitate to text me. Send a mail to @ownedbynico ingame on EU or via esoui PM.

Auto-load for MSA, DSA, VH when?
