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Repository files navigation

Assignment 1 - ReactJS app.

Name: Niall Crowe


React movies app assignment for Web App Development 2 which displays info on movies similar to IMDB.


  • Upcoming movies page
  • Similar movies page
  • Top-rated movies page
  • Now Playing movies page
  • Popular movies page
  • Filter and sort movies by genre.

Setup requirements.

Clone the repository onto your local machine. In the cloned repository, run npm install. If an error occurs, try npm install --force. In the root of the repository create an environment file called .env. In this file enter your TMDB API key in this format REACT_APP_TMDB_KEY=<yourTMDBAPIkey>. If you do not have a TMDB API key, request one here: In the local command prompt/terminal, use the command npm start while in the cloned repository.

API endpoints.

  • Upcoming Movies = /movie/upcoming
  • Popular Movies = /movie/popular
  • Top Rated Movies = /movie/top_rated
  • Similar Movies = /movie/{movie_id}/similar
  • Movie Credits = /movie/{movie_id}/credits

App Design.

Component catalogue.

UI Design.

Upcoming Movies Page

Shows upcoming or soon to be releases movies. Click on the playlist icon to add to your watchlist.

Watchlist Page

Shows movies you have added to your watchlist.

Now Playing Page

Shows movies that are currnetly playing in theatres. Click on the playlist icon to add to your watchlist.

Top Rated Page

Shows the highest rated films from TMDB. Click on the heart icon to add to your list of favorites.

Popular Movies Page

Shows movies that are currently popular. Click on the heart icon to add to your list of favorites.

Similar Movies Page

Shows similar movies to the movie you're currently looking at. View similar movies by going onto a movie's details page and clicking the Similar Movies button.

Cast Members Page

Shows the cast members for a movie along with which character they played. View a movie's cast by going onto its details page and clicking the Cast Members button.


  • /movies/upcoming = Displays upcoming movies.
  • /movies/watchlist = Displays movies added to watchlist.
  • /movies/nowplaying = Displays movies that are currenty playing.
  • /movies/toprated = Displays highest rated movies from TMDB.
  • /movies/popular = Displays currently popular movies.
  • /movies/:id/similar = Displays movies similar movies to the selected movies.
  • /movies/:id/castmembers = Displays cast members of a movie.


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