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gRPC over browser Javascript: Using gRPC-Web on Google Kubernetes Engine Ingress


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gRPC over browser Javascript: Using gRPC-Web on Google Kubernetes Engine Ingress

grpc-web offers a way to access your gRPC API server from a modern browser. Normally, API servers you call directly from browsers is plain REST...but its not well known that you can also call gRPC directly without involving transcoding or REST but a modification of the standard gRPC wire protocol adapted to account for browser limitations.

So last wee i wanted to create a simple helloworld app for grpcWeb and succeded in doing that direclty on my laptop (you can see that sample here. As a further extension, I endedup adapting that sample sample to run on GKE direclty with its HTTP/2 Ingress resource capability. That is, this sample deploys a simple webapp which from the browser calls a gRPC server!

The basic flow for this app would be:

  1. browser requests a plain HTML page from a webserver on GKE (externally exposed via Ingress)
  2. webserver responds back with html page including some javascript w/ grpc Client code
  3. browser then issues grpc-web API call to the same Ingress endpoint but routed towards an Envoy proxy backend
  4. envoy forwards gRPC request to your backend gRPC server over true grpc://
  5. backend API responds back to request with unary or streamed response.

As a bonus, this sample also exposes the gRPC server's port directly. This allows ordinary gRPC clients written in any language to connect and issue API requests.

  • images/grpc_web.png

You can read more about gRPC and gRPC-web in the references cited below.

gRPC Transcoding vs gRPC Web vs gRPC Native

gRPC web should not be confused with gRPC Transcoding: the former is a modification of gRPC protocol adapted for a browser (i.,e try to use application/grpc framing and separate out the HTTP/2 framing not exposed to browsers). Transcoding is a server-side capability that converts an inbound REST message into a backend gRPC request.

For more information, see Protocol differences vs gRPC over HTTP2

Google Cloud Enpoints supports this type of transcoding via annotations as described here - -

Here is an example hello-world app for gRPCTranscoding using Cloud Endpoints

Cloud Endpoints support for gRPC-Web

The example in this repo utilizes Envoy. You can also use Google Cloud Endpoint's ESP proxy which provides basic grpc-web support in addition to other features/capabilities of Endpoints like API management.


Allocate StaticIP

This step isn't necessary but use statically bound the name gke-ingress to the Ingress objects later

gcloud compute addresses create gke-ingress --global

gcloud compute addresses list
gke-ingress  RESERVED

Edit /etc/hosts

Since this is just a demo/POC, statically set the IP to resolve to as shown below


Create the GKE cluster

gcloud container  clusters create grpc-cluster --machine-type "n1-standard-1" --cluster-version=1.10.5 --zone us-central1-a  --num-nodes 3

Build Components

You can either build ad upload the images to dockerhub or to your own Container Registry (

If you choose to use the images I created and uploaded, skip this section to the "Deploy" part.

gRPC Backend

The gRPC backend is a golang app that simply Echo's back a message as Unary or Server Streaming (i.,e echo back the message three times).

There is the proto:

syntax = "proto3";

package echo;

service EchoServer {
  rpc SayHello (EchoRequest) returns (EchoReply) {}
  rpc SayHelloStream(EchoRequest) returns (stream EchoReply) {}  

message EchoRequest {
  string name = 1;

message EchoReply {
  string message = 1;

You can either build the backend or use the one I uploaded here:


To build, simply run the following and upload

cd backend_grpc
docker build -t your_registry/grpc_backend .

The grpc_backend listens on port :50051 so to run it localy, execute something like:

 docker run  -p 50051:50051 -t salrashid123/grpc_backend ./grpc_server -grpcport

You can even test the grpc Client locally by running

docker run --net=host --add-host -t salrashid123/grpc_backend /grpc_client --host


You can either build the backend or use the one I uploaded here

cd frontend
docker build -t your_registry/web_frontend .

The frontend listens on port :8000 so to run it localy, execute something like:

docker run -p 8000:8000 salrashid123/web_frontend


You can either build the envoyproxy container or use the one I uploaded here

cd backend_envoy
docker build -t your_registry/grpc_envoyproxy .

The grpc_proxy listens on port :18080. You can run it locally within a docker file but you'll need to network it with a backend to use it easily.


If you choose to use the images I uploaded, just run:

$ kubectl apply -f .

Otherwise, edit each yaml file under gke_config/ folder and change the image reference to your registry.

Once you deploy, you should see the deploymets and the staticIP attached to the Ingress object:

$ kubectl get no,po,rc,svc,ing,deployments,secrets
NAME                                             STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION
no/gke-grpc-cluster-default-pool-20747835-3sw8   Ready     <none>    11h       v1.10.5-gke.4
no/gke-grpc-cluster-default-pool-20747835-s0z3   Ready     <none>    11h       v1.10.5-gke.4

NAME                                READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
po/be-deployment-75978bd8bf-bn5fp   2/2       Running   0          2m
po/be-deployment-75978bd8bf-k5x6b   2/2       Running   0          2m
po/fe-deployment-574d47d8c-lktkm    1/1       Running   0          2m
po/fe-deployment-574d47d8c-x4w8z    1/1       Running   0          1m

NAME              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)           AGE
svc/be-srv        NodePort   <none>        18080:31592/TCP   9h
svc/be-srv-grpc   NodePort   <none>        50051:31610/TCP   9h
svc/fe-srv        NodePort   <none>        8000:31713/TCP    9h
svc/kubernetes    ClusterIP     <none>        443/TCP           11h

NAME                HOSTS                                                  ADDRESS         PORTS     AGE
ing/basic-ingress,,   80, 443   9h

deploy/be-deployment   2         2         2            2           9h
deploy/fe-deployment   2         2         2            2           9h

NAME                          TYPE                                  DATA      AGE
secrets/default-token-v958b   3         11h
secrets/fe-secret             Opaque                                2         9h

NOTE: Deployment and availability of the endpoint IP may take 8->10minutes


Trust the CA_crt.pem file in Firefox since its self-singed. Open up Firefox and under the Advanced settings, enable trust for the CA (you don't have to but its easier this way)

  • images/cert_trust.png

Now go to You should see the nodejs Frontend, You may wan to open up developer tools to see the request/response streams

Click the Submit button. WHat that will do is transmit 1 unary request and 1 server-streaming request. The unary request will respond back with the hostname that handled the request. Below that you should see three RPC responses back from the server request.

Here is a sample Request-Response from the browser

  • Request
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0
Accept: application/grpc-web-text
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
custom-header-1: value1
Content-Type: application/grpc-web-text
X-User-Agent: grpc-web-javascript/0.1
X-Grpc-Web: 1
Content-Length: 56
Connection: keep-alive
  • Response
Alt-Svc: clear
Content-Type: application/grpc-web-text+proto
Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2018 18:04:28 GMT
Server: envoy
Via: 1.1 google
X-Firefox-Spdy: h2
access-control-expose-headers: custom-header-1,grpc-status,grpc-message
rpcheaderkey: val
x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 0
  • images/browser_response.png

gRPC Client

The setup here also enables direct gRPC client calls outside of a browser. This means you can use any gRPC client directly. In the example below, we are using a golang gRPC client (remember to change the IP address to your Ingress's IP before invoking)

$ docker run --add-host  -t /grpc_client --host
2018/09/03 15:55:33 RPC Response: 0 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname be-deployment-68c7bfd9f9-5hccn" 
2018/09/03 15:55:34 RPC Response: 1 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname be-deployment-68c7bfd9f9-5hccn" 
2018/09/03 15:55:35 RPC Response: 2 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname be-deployment-68c7bfd9f9-c7fth" 
2018/09/03 15:55:36 RPC Response: 3 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname be-deployment-68c7bfd9f9-c7fth" 
2018/09/03 15:55:37 RPC Response: 4 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname be-deployment-68c7bfd9f9-c7fth" 
2018/09/03 15:55:38 RPC Response: 5 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname be-deployment-68c7bfd9f9-5hccn" 
2018/09/03 15:55:39 RPC Response: 6 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname be-deployment-68c7bfd9f9-5hccn" 

The response shows the backends that handled each request. Note that the responses are from different backends over a single connection. THis is as expected since the GCP L7 loadbalancer (Ingress), send each RPC to different pods to balance loads.


gRPC-web and gRPC offers many advantages to API developers thats inherent in the protocol and toolchains. Before you jump in, please read through what you actually need/want from your API and clients. Often enough, for low-intensity APIs or simple clients, REST is a perfectly fine to use (easy to use, easy to setup; widespread support, etc) just depends on your current and future needs.

Anyway, hope this article helps bridge some the gaps and shows how you can use grpc-web on GKE. You ofcourse do not need to use GKE...take a look at the examples in the reference section below to get started locally or on any platform.


Some other References you maybe interested in:



The CA Certificate and server certificate in this repo is the same and shared across all the components. If you wanted to test this repo out with your own self-signed certs, you can use the following procedure to gerneate your own CA and server certificates.

  • Setup the serial and index file for openssl
cd certs
mkdir new_certs
touch index.txt
echo 00 > serial
  • Generate the CA certificate and key
openssl genrsa -out CA_key.pem 2048
openssl req -x509 -days 600 -new -nodes -key CA_key.pem -out CA_crt.pem -extensions v3_ca -config openssl.cnf    -subj "/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Google/OU=Enterprise/CN=MyCA"
  • Edit openssl.cnf and set the SNI values as needed
DNS.1 =
DNS.2 =
DNS.3 =
DNS.4 = localhost
  • Generate the server certificates
openssl genrsa -out server_key.pem 2048
openssl req -config openssl.cnf -days 400 -out server_csr.pem -key server_key.pem -new -sha256  -extensions v3_req  -subj "/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Google/OU=Enterprise/"
openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -days 400 -notext  -in server_csr.pem   -out server_crt.pem
  • Copy the .pem files to each folder (frontend/, backend_grpc/, backend_envoy).
  • Edit gke_config/fe-secret.yaml and place the base64 encoded version of the server cert/key file as the tls key and cert.


gRPC over browser Javascript: Using gRPC-Web on Google Kubernetes Engine Ingress







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  • Go 46.6%
  • JavaScript 31.1%
  • Dockerfile 22.3%