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PowerShellFar run from editor

Roman Kuzmin edited this page May 12, 2024 · 1 revision

PowerShell scripts in Far Manager editor may be simply invoked by pressing F5.

Scripts are invoked in the main session with their own scope. Similar PowerShell commands for normal scripts are:

ps: & "C:\...\MyScript.ps1"

In addition, PowerShellFar recognizes and invokes special Invoke-Build scripts *.build.ps1 and *.test.ps1. Similar PowerShell commands are (given <task> is the editor caret task):

ps: Invoke-Build -Task <task> -File "C:\...\"

Running by F5 is ideal for composing scripts and trying them immediately. But this is not possible right away if a script requires certain input parameters. Fortunately, $PSDefaultParameterValues helps.

See about_Parameters_Default_Values and below examples.

Default parameters of normal scripts

Given the script MyScript.ps1 with the parameter Configuration:


In order to run it by F5 with Configuration set to some value, do:

ps: $PSDefaultParameterValues['MyScript.ps1:Configuration'] = 'Release'

NOTE All scripts named MyScript.ps1 with Configuration may be affected. This may or may not be desired.

Default parameters of build scripts

The similar trick works for build scripts but the target command should be Invoke-Build.ps1, the actual runner, not the build script name:

ps: $PSDefaultParameterValues['Invoke-Build.ps1:Configuration'] = 'Release'

NOTE All build scripts with the parameter Configuration may be affected. This may or may not be desired.