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C# driver v1.3. Minor changes in tests and project infrastructure.
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nightroman committed Oct 22, 2011
1 parent e280df8 commit c910bb6
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Showing 4 changed files with 64 additions and 61 deletions.
104 changes: 45 additions & 59 deletions .build.ps1
Expand Up @@ -91,90 +91,86 @@ task UpdateScripts -Partial @{
process{ Copy-Item $_ $$ }

# Make a task for each script in the Tests directory and add to the jobs.
task Test @(
Get-ChildItem Tests -Filter Test-*.ps1 | .{process{
# add a task
task $_.Name (Invoke-Expression "{ $($_.FullName) }")
# add it as a job
# Call tests.
task Test {
Invoke-Build . Tests\

# git pull on the C# driver repo
# Pull C# driver sources.
task PullDriver {
assert $env:MongoDBCSharpDriverRepo
Set-Location $env:MongoDBCSharpDriverRepo
exec { git pull }

# Build the C# driver from sources and copy its assemblies to Module
# Build driver assemblies and copy to Module.
task BuildDriver {
assert $env:MongoDBCSharpDriverRepo
exec { MSBuild $env:MongoDBCSharpDriverRepo\CSharpDriver-2010.sln /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release }
Copy-Item $env:MongoDBCSharpDriverRepo\Driver\bin\Release\*.dll Module

# Clean the C# driver sources
# Clean driver sources.
task CleanDriver {
assert $env:MongoDBCSharpDriverRepo
exec { MSBuild $env:MongoDBCSharpDriverRepo\CSharpDriver-2010.sln /t:Clean /p:Configuration=Release }

# Pull the latest driver, build it, then build Mdbc, test and clean all
# Pull the latest driver, build it, then build Mdbc, test and clean all.
task Driver PullDriver, BuildDriver, Build, Test, Clean, CleanDriver

# Import markdown tasks ConvertMarkdown and RemoveMarkdownHtml.
# <>
try { Markdown.tasks.ps1 }
catch { task ConvertMarkdown; task RemoveMarkdownHtml }

# Make the package in z\tools for for Zip and NuGet
# Make the package in z\tools for Zip and NuGet.
task Package ConvertMarkdown, @{UpdateScripts=1}, {
# package directories
Remove-Item [z] -Force -Recurse
$null = mkdir z\tools\Mdbc\en-US, z\tools\Mdbc\Scripts

# copy project files
Copy-Item -Destination z\tools\Mdbc @(
Copy-Item -Destination z\tools\Mdbc\en-US @(
Copy-Item -Destination z\tools\Mdbc\Scripts @(

# move generated files
Move-Item -Destination z\tools\Mdbc @(
Copy-Item -Destination z\tools\Mdbc `

Copy-Item -Destination z\tools\Mdbc\en-US `

Copy-Item -Destination z\tools\Mdbc\Scripts `

Move-Item -Destination z\tools\Mdbc `

# Get version from the assembly and sets $script:Version
# Set $script:Version = assembly version
task Version {
assert ((Get-Item $ModuleRoot\Mdbc.dll).VersionInfo.FileVersion -match '^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)')
$script:Version = $matches[1]

# Make the zip package
# Make zip package.
task Zip Package, Version, {
Set-Location z\tools
exec { & 7z a ..\..\Mdbc.$ * }

# Make the NuGet package
# Make NuGet package.
task NuGet Package, Version, {
$text = @'
Mdbc is the Windows PowerShell module built on top of the official MongoDB C#
driver. It provides a few cmdlets and PowerShell friendly features for basic
operations on MongoDB data.
# nuspec
Set-Content z\Package.nuspec @"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Expand All @@ -187,16 +183,8 @@ task NuGet Package, Version, {
Mdbc is the Windows PowerShell module built on top of the official MongoDB C#
driver. It provides a few cmdlets and PowerShell friendly features for basic
operations on MongoDB data.
Mdbc is the Windows PowerShell module built on top of the official MongoDB C#
driver. It provides a few cmdlets and PowerShell friendly features for basic
operations on MongoDB data.
<tags>Mongo MongoDB PowerShell Module</tags>
Expand All @@ -205,14 +193,12 @@ operations on MongoDB data.
exec { NuGet pack z\Package.nuspec }

# Check the files before commit. Called by .git/hooks/pre-commit.
# Check files on commit. Called by .git/hooks/pre-commit.
task pre-commit {
foreach ($file in git status -s) {
if ($file -notmatch '\.(cs|csproj|md|ps1|psd1|psm1|ps1xml|sln|txt|xml|gitignore)$') {
throw "Commit is not allowed: '$file'."
$Pattern = '\.(cs|csproj|md|ps1|psd1|psm1|ps1xml|sln|txt|xml|gitignore)$'
foreach ($file in git status -s) { if ($file -notmatch $Pattern) {
throw "Commit is not allowed: '$file'."

# Build, test and clean all.
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Mdbc Release Notes

## v1.0.1

C# driver v1.3.

Minor changes in tests and project infrastructure.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Tests/Test-MongoFiles.ps1
Expand Up @@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ $n1 = Test-Query (query (query Name Readme.txt), (query LastWriteTime -GT $time1
$n2 = Test-Query (query (query Name Readme.txt), (query LastWriteTime -LT $time1))
if ($EQReadme -ne $n1 + $n2) { throw }

Write-Host "Or In Matches"
Write-Host "Or In Match"
$n1 = Test-Query (query -Or (query Name Readme.txt), (query Name About.txt), (query Name LICENSE))
$n2 = Test-Query (query Name -In Readme.txt, About.txt, LICENSE)
if ($n1 -ne $n2) { throw }
$n2 = Test-Query (query Name -Match '^(?:Readme\.txt|About\.txt|LICENSE)$')
if ($n1 -ne $n2) { throw }

Write-Host "Matches, ignore case"
Write-Host "Match, ignore case"
$n1 = Test-Query (query Name -Match '^(?i:Readme\.txt|About\.txt|LICENSE)$')
$n2 = Test-Query (query Name -Match (New-Object regex '^(?:Readme\.txt|About\.txt|LICENSE)$', IgnoreCase))
if ($n1 -ne $n2) { throw }
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions Tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

# Add a task for each test script and collect names to be used as jobs.
$tests = foreach($_ in Get-ChildItem -Name -Filter Test-*.ps1) {
task $_ ([scriptblock]::Create("./$_"))

# Call tests. Use test names as jobs.
task . $tests

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