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lua-sngin - dynamic lua scripting that scales

Run your own multi-tenant lua microservice with code hosted on s3.

This project has been redesigned and has moved here: moonship


Currently, I'm a one man operation so updates will be slow. Please feel free to enter issue and/or create pull requests.

Project Philosophy

  1. For each feature
  2. Get it to work
  3. Write tests and optimize
  4. Rinse and repeat

Table of Contents


This library is considered experimental and still under active development.

The API is still in flux and may change without notice.


This library requires an nginx build with OpenSSL, the ngx_lua module, and LuaJIT 2.1.


Example below show how you can build an API to delete log table older than 60 days on Azure Table Storage.

Code from s3://bucketname/folder/

-- private s3 allow you to store your secret
local ACCOUNT='youraccount'
local KEY='yourkey'

-- reference public code/library on your github repo
-- by convention, use a path that is browser friendly.  it should
-- include both refs of and blob/master/ like so
local azure = require('')

-- build up your api request arguments
local now = os.time()
local today ="%Y%m%d", now)
local sixtyDaysAgo ="%Y%m%d", now - 59*60*24*60)
local tableSixtyDaysAgo = string.format("logtableprefix%s", sixtyDaysAgo)
local path = string.format("Tables('%s')", tableSixtyDaysAgo)
local url = string.format("", ACCOUNT, path)

local skl = azure.util.sharedkeylite({
        account = ACCOUNT, 
        key = KEY, 
        table = path })

local headers = azure.table.getHeader('DELETE', skl)

-- make the api call
local response = http.request {
    method = 'DELETE',
    url = url,
    headers = headers

-- return data
return tableSixtyDaysAgo

Benefits of storing your code on s3

  • codes are protected by private bucket
  • versioning and replication
  • aws provided s3 browser UI to edit your code
  • s3 events can be use to trigger lua code cache purging

See wiki for more info...

Environment Variables

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your access id

  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your access key

  • AWS_S3_CODE_PATH=bucket-name/src-folder (bucket name/follow by base folder)

  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1

  • SNGIN_CODECACHE_SIZE=10000 (number or lru cache items)

  • SNGIN_APP_PATH=/app (sngin app path)



docker build -t niiknow/lua-sngin .

run and debug:

docker run -it \
-p 80:80 \
--env AWS_S3_CODE_PATH=bucket-name/src-folder \
--env see above for more env variables \

Code Caching

Code caching knowledge will come in handy when working wih this module.

There are multiple levels of of code caching:

  1. The code file is locally download/mirrored from s3.
  2. A "If-Modified-Since" header is sent to the s3 server on an hourly interval.
  3. The s3 proxy is setup to have a short cache to prevent accidental hammering of the backend server.
  4. There is no need to worry about githubraw cache implementation because all code cache is done with the previous 3 step.

To prevent caching during development of script, you must do all of the following:

  1. Send a post request to the /__purge endpoint like so: POST
  2. Request your action with the cache busting ($cb) query string parameter:$cb=1234

This strategy allow you to simply send a purge to the root path with type=folder to perform wildcard like purges. This is useful when debugging in development when you don't care about the caching of any endpoint. Remember that you must also use the $cb query string when testing your code.

For multi-servers/horizontal scaling setup, you can create your own purge function that hit each of of your servers by ip-address like so: http://server-ip-address/purge/path and a Host header of the host you want to purge.


Mid 2015 Macbook Pro i7 2.5ghz, macOS Sierra v10.15.5

Docker 1 core bench simple output of string - Hello World


hey -n 10000 -c 100 http://localhost/a

  • nodejs - 8K
  • lua - 10K
  • lua github (not code cached) - 3.6K
  • lua s3 (code cached) - 5K

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  • create admin UI for editing file resides on s3 - php, easily hosted on cpanel? use flysystem?
  • strategy for storing and retrieving of additional server config in s3
  • additional code store such as private github repo
  • provide user with caching mechanism
  • provide user with persistence storage
  • additional static module
  • support moonscript