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304 lines (186 loc) · 6.7 KB

Odorik command line interface

.. program:: odorik


odorik [parameter] <command> [options]

Commands actually indicate which operation should be performed.


This module also installs :program:`odorik` program, which allows you to easily access some of the functionality from command line.

Global options

The program accepts following global options, which must be entered before subcommand.

.. option:: --format {csv,json,text,html}

    Specify output format.

.. option:: --url URL

    Specify API URL. Overrides value from configuration file, see :ref:`files`.

.. option:: --user USER

    Specify API user. Overrides value from configuration file, see :ref:`files`.

.. option:: --password PASSWORD

    Specify API password. Overrides value from configuration file, see :ref:`files`.

.. option:: --config PATH

    Override path to configuration file, see :ref:`files`.

.. option:: --config-section SECTION

    Override section to use in configuration file, see :ref:`files`.


Currently following subcommands are available:

.. option:: version

    Prints current version.

.. option:: api PATH [--post] [--param KEY=VALUE]...

    Performs authenticated API call. By default ``GET`` method is used, with
    ``--post`` it is ``POST``.

    Additional parameters can be specified by ``--param`` switch which can be
    used multiple times.

.. option:: balance

    Prints current balance.

.. option:: mobile-data [--list] [--phone NUMBER] [--all] [DATE PERIOD]

    Prints mobile data usage.

    It can list all individual records when ``--list`` is specified.

    The result can be also limited to given phone number by using ``--phone``.
    The phone number has to be specified as ``00420789123456``.

    If ``--all`` is specified, summary for all mobile lines on current account
    is printed.

    See :ref:`interval` for information how to specify date period.

.. option:: calls [--list] [--line LINE] [--direction {in,out,redirected}] [--status {answered,missed}] [DATE PERIOD]

    Prints calls usage.

    It can list all individual records when ``--list`` is specified.

    The result can be also limited to given line by using ``--line``.

    You can additionally filter calls by ``--status`` or ``--direction``.

    See :ref:`interval` for information how to specify date period.

.. option:: sms [--list] [--line LINE] [DATE PERIOD]

    Prints SMS usage.

    It can list all individual records when ``--list`` is specified.

    The result can be also limited to given line by using ``--line``.

    See :ref:`interval` for information how to specify date period.

.. option:: send-sms [--sender SENDER] recipient message

    Sends a SMS message.

    You can specify sender number by ``--sender``, it has to be one of allowed
    values. By default ``5517`` is used.

.. option:: callback [--line LINE] caller recipient

    Initiates a callback.

.. option:: lines [--generate-config]

    Prints infromation about lines.

    With ``--generate-config`` it generates config file entries for line and
    phone number aliases, see :ref:`files`.

.. option:: summary [DATE PERIOD]

    Prints summary information for all lines in current account.

    See :ref:`interval` for information how to specify date period.

Specifying date period

You can specify date period for which many commands will be issued:

.. option:: --this-month

    Prints information for current month. This is the default interval.

.. option:: --last-month

    Prints information for last month.

.. option:: --start-date DATE

    Starting datetime.

.. option:: --end-date DATE

    Ending datetime. If not specified, current date is used.

All parameters accepting date can take almost any format of date or timestamp. Check dateutil documentation for more detailed information (especially on year/month/day precendence).


User configuration file
Global configration file

The program follows XDG specification, so you can adjust placement of config files by environment variables XDG_CONFIG_HOME or XDG_CONFIG_DIRS.

Following settings can be configured in the [odorik] section (you can customize this by :option:`--config-section`):

.. describe:: user

    API user, can be either ID registered user or line ID.

.. describe:: password

    API password. Use API password for per user access and line password (used
    for SIP as well) for line access.

.. describe:: url

    API server URL, defaults to ````.

See Autentizace Odorik API for more details on authentication.

The configuration file is INI file, for example:

user = pepa
password = zdepa

Additionally config file can include phone number and line aliases:

pepa = 12345

pepa = 00420789789789
franta = 00420789123456


Print current program version:

$ odorik version
version: 0.1

Print current user balance:

$ odorik balance
balance: 123.45

Prints current mobile data usage:

$ odorik mobile-data --phone 00420789123456
bytes_total: 111593707
bytes_down: 87039672
bytes_up: 24554035
price: 0

Sending message:

$ odorik send-sms 00420789123456 "Ahoj, jak se mas?"

Initiating callback:

$ odorik callback 00420789123456 800123456

Getting account summary:

$ odorik summary
id: 716000
public_number: 00420789789789
call_count: 58
sms_count: 42
bytes_total: 145921813
data_price: 0.01
call_price: 24.28
sms_price: 12.31
price: 36.59

id: 717000
public_number: 00420789123456
call_count: 11
sms_count: 0
bytes_total: 0
data_price: 0
call_price: 2.20
sms_price: 0
price: 2.20

Generic API usage:

$ odorik api sms/allowed_sender,5517,00420789123456

Generic API POST:

$ odorik api --post --param caller=00420789123456 --param recipient=800123456 callback

Machine readable output formats:

$ odorik --format json mobile-data
  "bytes_total": 111593707,
  "bytes_down": 87039672,
  "bytes_up": 24554035,
  "price": 0.008
$ odorik --format csv mobile-data