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Weblate deployments

Weblate comes with support for deployment using several technologies. This section brings overview of them.

SUSE Studio appliance

Weblate appliance provides preconfigured Weblate running with MySQL database as backend and Apache as web server. It is provided in many formats suitable for any form of virtualization, cloud or hardware installation.

It comes with standard set of passwords you will want to change:

Username Password Scope Description
root linux System Administrator account, use for local or SSH login
root   MySQL MySQL administrator
weblate weblate MySQL Account in MySQL database for storing Weblate data
admin admin Weblate Weblate/Django admin user

The appliance is built using SUSE Studio and is based on openSUSE 12.3.

You should also adjust some settings to match your environment, namely:

Weblate and Docker

With dockerized weblate deployment you can get your personal weblate instance up an running in seconds. All of Weblate's dependencies are already included. PostgreSQL is configured default database, but you can switch it to MySQL or MariaDB.


Following examples assume you have working Docker environment, with docker-compose installed. Please check Docker documentation for instructions on this.

  1. Clone weblate-docker repo:
git clone weblate-docker
cd weblate-docker
  1. Optionally change the database provider in :file:`docker-compose.yml`. Following options were tested, but other versions will most likely work as well: mysql:5.6, mariadb:10.0, postgres:9.4
  2. Change the predefined passwords for the database in the :file:`weblate/environment`.
  3. Build Weblate containers:
docker-compose build
  1. Create Weblate database:
docker-compose run weblate migrate
  1. Prepare static files:
docker-compose run weblate collectstatic
  1. Create admin user:
docker-compose run weblate createadmin
  1. Start Weblate containers:
docker-compose up

Enjoy your Weblate deployment, it's accessible on port 8000 of the container.

Select your machine - local or cloud providers

With docker-machine you can create your Weblate deployment either on your local machine or on any large number of cloud-based deployments on e.g. Amazon AWS, Digitalocean and many more providers.

Weblate on OpenShift

This repository contains a configuration for the OpenShift platform as a service product, which facilitates easy installation of Weblate on OpenShift Online (, OpenShift Enterprise ( and OpenShift Origin (


  1. OpenShift Account

    You need an account for OpenShift Online ( or another OpenShift installation you have access to.

    You can register a free account on OpenShift Online, which allows you to host up to 3 applications free of charge.

  2. OpenShift Client Tools

    In order to follow the examples given in this documentation you need to have the OpenShift Client Tools (RHC) installed:

    While there are other possibilities to create and configure OpenShift applications, this documentation is based on the OpenShift Client Tools (RHC) because they provide a consistent interface for all described operations.


You can install Weblate on OpenShift directly from Weblate's github repository with the following command:

rhc -aweblate app create -t python-2.7 --from-code --no-git

The -a option defines the name of your weblate installation, weblate in this instance. You are free to specify a different name.

Optionally you can specify tag identifier right of the # sign to identify the version of Weblate to install (for example specify to install Weblate 2.0). For a list of available versions see here: Please note that only version 2.0 and newer can be installed on OpenShift, as older versions don't include the necessary configuration files. The --no-git option skips the creation of a local git repository.

You can also specify which database you want to use:

# For MySQL
rhc -aweblate app create -t python-2.7 -t mysql-5.5 --from-code --no-git

# For PostgreSQL
rhc -aweblate app create -t python-2.7 -t postgresql-9.2 --from-code --no-git

Default Configuration

After installation on OpenShift Weblate is ready to use and preconfigured as follows:

  • SQLite embedded database (DATABASES)
  • Random admin password
  • Random Django secret key (SECRET_KEY)
  • Indexing offloading if the cron cartridge is installed (:setting:`OFFLOAD_INDEXING`)
  • Committing of pending changes if the cron cartridge is installed (:djadmin:`commit_pending`)
  • Weblate machine translations for suggestions bases on previous translations (:setting:`MACHINE_TRANSLATION_SERVICES`)
  • Weblate directories (STATIC_ROOT, :setting:`DATA_DIR`, :setting:`TTF_PATH`, Avatar cache) set according to OpenShift requirements/conventions
  • Django site name and ALLOWED_HOSTS set to DNS name of your OpenShift application
  • Email sender addresses set to no-reply@<OPENSHIFT_CLOUD_DOMAIN>, where <OPENSHIFT_CLOUD_DOMAIN> is the domain OpenShift runs under. In case of OpenShift Online it's
.. seealso::


Retrieve Admin Password

You can retrieve the generated admin password with the following command:

rhc -aweblate ssh credentials

Indexing Offloading

To enable the preconfigured indexing offloading you need to add the cron cartridge to your application and restart it:

rhc -aweblate add-cartridge cron
rhc -aweblate app stop
rhc -aweblate app start

The fulltext search index will then be updated every 5 minutes. Restarting with rhc restart instead will not enable indexing offloading in Weblate. You can verify that indexing offloading is indeed enabled by visiting the URL /admin/performance/ of your application.

Pending Changes

Weblate's OpenShift configuration contains a cron job which periodically commits pending changes older than a certain age (24h by default). To enable the cron job you need to add the cron cartridge and restart Weblate as described in the previous section. You can change the age parameter by setting the environment variable WEBLATE_PENDING_AGE to the desired number of hours, e.g.:

rhc -aweblate env set WEBLATE_PENDING_AGE=48

Customize Weblate Configuration

You can customize the configuration of your Weblate installation on OpenShift through environment variables. Override any of Weblate's setting documented under :ref:`config` using rhc env set by prepending the settings name with WEBLATE_. The variable content is put verbatim to the configuration file, so it is parsed as Python string, after replacing environment variables in it (eg. $PATH). To put literal $ you need to escape it as $$.

For example override the ADMINS setting like this:

rhc -aweblate env set WEBLATE_ADMINS='(("John Doe", ""),)'

To change site title, do not forget to include additional quotes:

rhc -aweblate env set WEBLATE_SITE_TITLE='"Custom Title"'

New settings will only take effect after restarting Weblate:

rhc -aweblate app stop
rhc -aweblate app start

Restarting using rhc -aweblate app restart does not work. For security reasons only constant expressions are allowed as values. With the exception of environment variables which can be referenced using ${ENV_VAR}. For example:

rhc -aweblate env set WEBLATE_PRE_COMMIT_SCRIPTS='("${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}/examples/hook-generate-mo",)'

You can check the effective settings Weblate is using by running:

rhc -aweblate ssh settings

This will also print syntax errors in your expressions. To reset a setting to its preconfigured value just delete the corresponding environment variable:

rhc -aweblate env unset WEBLATE_ADMINS
.. seealso::



It is recommended that you try updates on a clone of your Weblate installation before running the actual update. To create such a clone run:

rhc -aweblate2 app create --from-app weblate

Visit the newly given URL with a browser and wait for the install/update page to disappear.

You can update your Weblate installation on OpenShift directly from Weblate's github repository by executing:

rhc -aweblate2 ssh update

The identifier right of the # sign identifies the version of Weblate to install. For a list of available versions see here: Please note that the update process will not work if you modified the git repository of you weblate installation. You can force an update by specifying the --force option to the update script. However any changes you made to the git repository of your installation will be discarded:

rhc -aweblate2 ssh update --force

The --force option is also needed when downgrading to an older version. Please note that only version 2.0 and newer can be installed on OpenShift, as older versions don't include the necessary configuration files.

The update script takes care of the following update steps as described under :ref:`generic-upgrade-instructions`.

  • Install any new requirements
  • migrate
  • setupgroups --move
  • setuplang
  • rebuild_index --all
  • collectstatic --noinput

Bitnami Weblate stack

Bitnami provides Weblate stack for many platforms at <>. The setup will be adjusted during installation, see <> for more documentation.