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CLI tool to show available updates for an npm project, sorted and colored by type. First the patch updates are shown, then the minor updates, and then the major updates.


npm i -g @nikensss/sauna

This will enable the sauna command on your terminal.


-p, --path

The path to run on:

sauna -p "~/repos/sauna"
sauna --path "~/repos/sauna"

If not specified, the current directory will be used.

-i, --ignore

The packages with updates that should be excluded from the update commands. These will still be visible in the list of available updates, but will not be added to the update commands.

sauna -i axios @types/node
sauna --ignore axios @types/node


If this flag is provided, a log file will be created called sauna.log at the location where the command is run with execution details. Useful to debug issues.


blue = patch updates

yellow = minor updates

red = major updates

Version sorting

When sorting the updates available, sauna only looks at the current and the latest version. Since I always use npm with save-exact=true, the wanted version cannot be used.