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Routing Solve Geodesy

A script to solve a routing problems which consists of horizonal gons, distances and 2 knowwn points
Input --> Horizonal Gons, Distances and 2 known Points
Output --> Points of Route, Plot of points in Diagram, as of now the script solve only for Horizonal coords such as x, y but not not height

Does not use Least Squers Solve But a Simplifyed Method so no covariance matrix is produced and not errors are shown


  • Calculate all Points in Route
  • Corrects points if enough data is present (which depends on Route Category)
  • Prints Error is enough data is present
  • Output in .txt format
  • Plot Points in diagram

Input Data

Input Data will be Horizonal Gons, Diatances and 2 known points in the form of demo_data_1.txt or like this
In any case data should br from First to Last Point and in the last Line the known points with its coords

A-S1-S2 258.6974
S1-S2-S3 161.4490
S1-S2 98.4250 281.427
S2-S3 99.1243 437.030

A 479987.828 4203142.777
S1 480051.769 4203205.177

In this Example A and S1 is the 2 known points, A is the First point of the Route and S3 is the last, so the data are written with this orientetion


Output is shown in comsole and a Plot is also shown which shows the geometry of the Route

In output we see the points in the order the programm understand it (good to see if data is written wrong) and the new points which calculated. Also if the type of the Route allows it it can correct the points and show the error which corrected in millimeters and cc
Last is shown the known points (again for debug)

alt text alt text

Επιλυση Οδευσης

Το παραπάνω πρόγραμμα έχει υλοποιηθεί σε Python 3.9 και μπορεί να λύσει :

  • Ανοιχτή Πλήρως Εξαρτημένη Όδευση
  • Κλειστή Πλήρως Εξαρτημένη
  • Ανοιχτή Εξαρτημένη είτε είναι γνωστά τα 2 πρώτα ή τελευταία σημεία ή 2 ενδιάμεσα σημεία

Δεν είναι για επαγγελματική χρήσει καθώς έχει πολλά προβλήματα, μπορεί να βγάλει λανθασμένα αποτελέσματα και τα δεδομένα πρέπει να μπουν στο .txt αρχείο με την κάθε οργάνωση που φαίνεται στο demo_data προκειμένου να μπουν τα σημεία με την σειρά και αρά να λυθεί σωστά ο προσανατολισμός της όδευσης.