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How to start using localstack for local aws development

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Using LocalStack for development

LocalStack lets you to easily develop and more importantly, contineously test AWS services based applications, all on your local docker without needing access to the AWS cloud infrastructure. I wanted to make a set of notes that came in handy for me, as I didn't find much documentation to to setup and use localstack.

Infrastructure setup using LocalStack

We will use LocalStack using the AWS command line to create the infrastructure needed for a search api. LocalStack search architecture We will create an elasticsearch instance, with documents indexed when a lambda is triggered to S3 insert. The search lamdba is exposed to the user via the API gateway. This lambda will query elasticsearch to retrieve matching documents.


Make sure these components are installed.

Install the latest python3 and aws cli using pip. Make sure you use python3 as the python 2.7 support will be deprecated soon and I found some strange python version errors when with aws tools when I was using the python 2.7 versions of the tools.

If you had previously installed the aws cli using the bundled installer, you can uninstal it using: Then you can reinstall the latest using pip.

Install docker

Docker for mac

Install aws cli using pip3

aws cli Make sure you install aws cli using pip3 instructions from the middle of the page in the above link. aws needs to be in you path.

Install awslocal

awslocal This is a handy tool that will let you use awslocal directly to hit the local instance rather than having to specify --endpoint local urls.

Install jq JSON parse used in the run script

jq - command-line JSON processor

brew install jq

Running the localstack setup script

To create our localstack environment:

cd localstack

After the scripts runs successfully, it will print out the API Gateway end point url to use, to hit the search-lambda. NB. The restapi id is dynamic, so everytime you create a new localstack environment, this id will change.

INFO: API_GATEWAY_SUGGEST_URL: http://localhost:4567/restapis/2790A-Z89004/test/_user_request_/suggest?q=high&workGroups=1086&subscriberId=4281

Check docker logs to verify image localstack/localstack:latest has started

docker ps
docker logs CONTAINER_ID (to see the logs of localstack)

Verify internal IP address of localstack.

I had a lot of issues with inter docker container communications inside localstack. I was expecting that when I used localhost from a lambda running in one docker container, that I would have been able to connect to elastic search running on another container, all inside localstack. This turned out not to be the case. Refer: localstack/localstack#1277

What I had to do was ssh into localstack, and use ifconfig to get the localstacks ip address:

docker exec -it localstack /bin/bash

NB. If your localstack ip address is different to, then you will need to change the ip address specified in the lambdas.

Look at what infra has been created

http://localhost:8081/#/infra This will open up your deployed resources console. It should have 2 lambda functions (search-suggest and data-load), elasticsearch instance, S3. It will not show the API gateway even though its configured to call the search-suggest lambda.

Query search-suggest lambda via the API Gateway

Make sure you replace the restapiId below with what gets printed out at the end of the script run.

curl -X GET \

Will give you a results:

    "results": [
            "address": [
                "<em>123 Collins St Melbourne VIC 3000</em>"
            "address": [
                "<em>125 Flinders St Melbourne VIC 3000</em>"
            "address": [
                "<em>124 Bourke St Melbourne VIC 3000</em>"

Query ElasticSearch directly

To list all documents in ElasticSearch

curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:4571/_search \

List documents in S3

awslocal s3 ls s3://localstack-search/

Upload a document into S3

This will trigger the data load lambda on upload, which will index the document contents into ElasticSearch.

awslocal s3 cp es/workspaces-1000-2000.json s3://localstack-search/



How to start using localstack for local aws development







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